Chapter 5: Cut Hand, Scraped Knees, Forced Kiss, Night Chase and S.O.P.H...

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I put the broken pieces of wood in a neat pile beside the hole and brushed the dust off the bottom of my jeans. My hand left a wet mark on my jeans, and I turned it over and found it was bleeding.
"Dammit!" I said annoyed at the unfortunate turn of events.
I carefully walked back down and into the kitchen in search of a handy first aid kit. The cut wasn't big but the attic was old and dirty and getting an infection on the second day of my visit wasn't a good idea. Knowing it all too well the first aid kit was empty except for some tablets and wet wipes.
I cleaned up my wound and then decided to get ready for the party. After all I was the main attraction of this evening.

In a short while Susan returned home and we left the house. It felt like the whole village was gathered in Mia's house and the music could be heard 2 streets away.
Once we reached the house, Susan began acting suspicious and said to go inside without her because she forgot to bring a bag she packet for the party. I knew something was brewing up and it was just a matter of time when it would all explode.

I did as Susan suggested and walked up to the front door. I could see silhouettes of people dancing through the glass on either side of the door.
Just as I was about to open the front door, someone grabbed it and opened it while another person pushed me inside the house, and being the clumsy being that I am, I landed on my knees on the floor accompanied by confetti. An attempt at creating an amazing entrance for me turned into a cruel joke. The loud music stopped playing and all the guest crowded around me laughing and saying welcome back. At the edge of my eye I could see a big banner hung above the window with my name on it.
I just sat there almost unconscious of the real world as everything became one big blur. Then from the blur of people came a familiar face.
He held my hand and helped me up. I gazed into his eyes in which thousands of stars were sown. He put his arm around me and walked me to the bedroom upstairs where it was quiet. The whole world was spinning and I couldn't focus on any particular sight. His mouth made a movement but all I heard was a mumble. Then a stinging pain on my knees and a sick feeling in my stomach.
And then black.
I came back into consciousness and found my savior on top of me with his hand on my cheek.
"There you are" he said softly.
I blinked a few times and everything clicked in.
"Felix!?" I said astounded.
Before I could do anything his lips clashed with my lips. I broke the kiss and tried to get up but he held my hands. He tugged at my dress but as I struggled with his tight grip I finally saw a chance to break free and pushed him off.
"What the hell?" He yelled.
I stood at the door, shaking and looked back at him. He got off the bed and began walking towards me his hands held out.
"Ar-aren't you married!" I tried to yell but all that came out was a louder whisper.
"It doesn't matter cause I want you," he said angrily and pushed me against the door. His whole body weight trapping me in his arms. He caught the top of my dress and pulled it with such force that it ripped open. I pushed and wrestled and finally, seeing an opportunity, I hit him with my blood covered knee. He loosened his grip and took a step back. I proceeded to attack and grabbed the nearest potted plants and smashed it on his head then ran out the door and down the stairs into the ominous crowd.
I stopped for a split second being trapped in the maze of people, with ripped dress and blood dripping down my knees and some on my hands.
I regained my consciousness and heard Susan shouting but I ignored her and left the house.
It seemed the only thing ominous about the crowd was me.
The loud music began to quieten down the farther away I went and the darkness of the night swallowed me from Susan's sight.
The cold night sent chills down my semi exposed body and I held my arms together for warmth and coverage. The cold air freezing my tears before they could leave my eyes.
I walked on for a while down through the fields and then into a small housing estate surrounded by large open fields and some trees.
The Stars were the only source of light, lighting up the night sky.
The road in front was leading me into a quite big patch of grass with the path circling it. It was then surrounded by rows of houses and walls.
As I came closer to the "T" on the path I noticed a small light in the darkness of the grass. My curiosity being sky high, I came closer to inspect the suspicious light.
The light was being emitted by a small mobile phone, with its screen turned on. I picked it up and tried to look for contacts that I could hopefully call and return the lost phone to but there were none. The whole phone was cleared, without even the slightest proof it was ever possessed by a human.
I took the phone and continued walking. Next thing I see is the same light, except dimmer.
Another phone...
And then in the far end of the circular patch of grass, another!
Confused and alarmed I began looking around paranoid. Not knowing what I was paranoid of, I could only think of all the dark scenarios and explanations to why these phones were left here... All cleared out without evidence of human life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2016 ⏰

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