Chapter 2

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Simon's P.O.V

I wake up with vivid memories of what happened yesterday even though it was one of the biggest days of my life. After a good ten minutes on my phone I head downstairs into the kitchen where Vikk is sat down eating cereal.

"Mornin' sleepy head" Vikk said as I open the fridge.

"What do you mean..?" I question.

"You went to sleep at like 6pm and it's now 10. That's a lot of sleep my friend." He says laughing.

"Did I? Ha oh well. Is Josh still asleep?" I ask sitting down with a glass of water.

"Yeah probably I'm not too sure."

I nod then leave Vikk and his cereal and go back to my room to check my twitter.

*time skip*

I look down at my watch to see that its 9pm and I still haven't eaten yet so I leave my room to find the others and ask if they want to get a nandos. I look around the house but I can't find anyone. Then I knock on Josh's bedroom door and enter without waiting for a reply. I see him sat at his desk on his computer with his headphones on. So being me, I creep up on him and shout BOO!

"Oh my god Simon! What do you want?" he says turning around to face me.

"You hungry? Wanna go to nandos? Where's Vikk?" I ask.

"Umm yeah sure I could do with a bite to eat, just let me finish editing this video. Oh and I think Vikk went out with Ethan and Tobi." Josh says.

"Oh okay meet me downstairs in 10?" I say.

He nods and turns back to his screen. As I leave Josh's room I realise it's going to be only me and him. Alone.

*in nandos*

"Uh yeah table for two" Josh says to the waiter.

We follow the waiter to our table and begin to look at the menu even though we both know what we're having already. It feels a bit weird being alone with just Josh, away from all the boys. I bet if someone saw us now they would think we were going on a date. Is this a date? No haha can't be, It's Josh!

He kicks me under the table and I look up at him.

"Oww! What?!" I say slightly louder than normal.

"Let me choose a meal that I think you'll like and you choose one for me" Josh says looking at my eyes.

"Okayyy" I say hesitantly.

Our food finally arrives then I realise what he's ordered me. The hottest chicken on the menu. I give him the 'are you kidding me' stare before saying...

"Seriously?! I cannot eat this"

"Come on little baby" he says in a baby voice while pinching my cheeks.

"Fine!" I say and take a huge bite of the chicken.

My eyes start watering and my mouth burning. I cough as I reach for my drink and start gulping it down.

"Oh my god haha! I'm sorry, here" Josh says then slides his plate over letting me have his meal.

"Are you sure?" I ask

"Yeah go ahead" He says then in a matter of seconds I start devouring his food.

We go to the counter to pay.

"Again I'm so sorry, let me pay" Josh says pushing my wallet down.

I smile at him then we make our way back to his car.

After a short drive we come back home. Home? Yeah, this is my home now. Josh and I walk through the door and up the stairs to our rooms. Just before Josh opens his bedroom door he turns around to face me and walks up to me. He hugs me tight.

"Thank you for tonight. It was fun, I needed it." He says into my ear.

"No, thank you Josh" I say.

We pull away and he walks into his room. I then walk to my bedroom, take my shirt and trousers off and get into bed. I relive the night over and over in my head before eventually falling asleep.

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