Things he laughs at

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Dallas: he thinks it's the funniest thing when you get shiz-faced drunk. You always stubble around and say random stuff.
Ponyboy: Pony thinks it's hilarious when you find a word you can't pronounce. You always say it the weirdest ways until he tells you what the word means.
Johnny: he likes it when you tell dirty jokes to other guys to tell them off.
Two-bit: when you guys have cake fights. You always end up with frosting all over your face until he kisses it off.
Sodapop: You can not work the register at the DX even if your life depended on it. One day he walked in on you yelling at it and he fell on the floor laughing.
Steve: When you guys go to drag races you always get to much pep in your system. One time you ended up getting kicked out for yelling inappropriate things at the loser and Steve couldn't help but laugh at the things you said to the loser.
Darry: Sometimes he will brin you to work. One day you wanted to help him try to roof a house. But somehow, you stapled your shirt to the roof and couldn't get off. Darry laughed so hard until you said you had to pee. Then he got you.

I know some of these were really short. Bit I tried. 👍🏻🙄😁

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