Episode 15

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I walk into the club and head straight for the bar. I go behind the bar and grab a bottle of bourbon. I almost grab a glass, but I end up deciding to just drink from the bottle. I sit down at a table and strip my glamour. I open the bottle and take a long chug. Someone sits down in the chair opposite me.

"What do you want Jon?" I ask.

"What happened with David? You ran through the portal and straight to your room without a word."

"Ya. I needed to change so I could come here and gets really drunk." I tell him as I take another gulp of bourbon.

"What did David say to you?"

"It's not just David. It's Marie, the hearing, James, Oliver. All of them. I miss this. Now excuse me, hot demon ten o'clock." I get up and walk over to the demon. My runes are already hidden.

"You're looking a little lonely." I say.

"And you don't sound like you are from around here."

"Nope. Just moved here and I haven't quiet picked up the accent yet."

"You want to dance?"

"Of course. Why do you think I came over here?" It puts a hand on my waist and leads me to the dance floor. The demon has purple hair and brown eyes. Of course that's not what it actually looks like. We dirty dance through several songs when it finally asks me if I want to so somewhere private. I nod and he leads me to he storage room. I reveal my runes as we walk over there.

We get inside and when it sees me in the light it shows a look of disgust. "Nephilum."

"Yup." I take a seraph dagger from my waist and stab move to stab it in the chest, but it blocks and slaps me across the face, my dagger falling to the ground in the process.

"Damn Shadowhunters!" It says exposing it's true teeth. It moves to bite me but I roll away and grab my dagger. I stab it in the hip and stand up with speed and stab it in the back between the shoulder blades. It screams, hollers, and convulses until it disappears with a poof of dust.

I walk out of the storage room and walk back over to my table and chug more bourbon. "Great show you put on there." He says.

"Thanks. Now I'm ok so you can leave."

"You said I could be your sober taxi. So here I am." He says gesturing to himself and sitting back.

"Fine. Whatever." I take another gulp.

"Did you say you were mad at James?"

"Ya. Why?"

"He's here."

"He's probably looking for an innocent blonde to snack on." I say sounding a little buzzed.

"That's not funny." Jon says.

"He's a vampire. It's in his nature. He's bound to snack on some blonde and kill her, whether it's purpose or accident doesn't matter. It's going to happen at some point."

"I know. I just hope it doesn't."

"Dance with me?" I ask then take another gulp.

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