Chapter Seventeen: Pain

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      "Daryl and Grace are hurt. A few days on the road and Grace will be miserable with pain." "She can handle it." I walked out of my cell to see them all talking. "The Governor has blocked every exit, he's had the time. We stay and fight when needed." "We don't have the ammo." I rolled my eyes and went to my cell. I grabbed the two duffel bags and tossed them onto the table. "If you need more you can go find some." "I'll take Michonne and Carl. He's ready." I handed Carl a gun and they walked outside. I got on top of a truck and looked through the scope making sure I couldn't see anyone in the woods. Maggie closed the gate behind them and went back inside. I got in the guard tower and kept watch.

         "Grace?" "What do you need Carol?" "Something's wrong with Daryl." I ran down the stairs and opened the gate to the prison. I threw it shut and left Carol to latch it . I went inside and saw Hershel sitting at a table looking lost. "Where's Merle?" "Up here." "Hershel, what's wrong with Daryl?" "He won't let me near him." I sighed and hurried up the stairs. I slid into his cell and he was making a fuss. I put my hands on his shoulders and pushed him down in the bed. I tried to hold him down and got knocked to the floor. I pushed him down again and straddled his waist. I grabbed his wrists in one hand and lightly smacked the side of his face. He stopped and laid back breathing heavily. "Are you ok?" I went to get off him but he grabbed my wrist. He looked at my jaw and let me go. I wanted to tell him it was an accident that I didn't care but he wouldn't take that as answer. He would still blame himself even though he couldn't have helped it.  I left his cell and sat down at the table. "Night terror was most likely set on due to the recent trauma." I put my falling hair back into a bun. I didn't really know what to do with myself. 

       The sun was hot against my cold skin. I went back up to the guard tower and traded places with Carol. I stepped over the rail and looked at the ground below me. "What are you doing?!" "Wondering if the fall or the walkers will kill me." I jumped back over and leaned against the rail. "I see you and Glenn are back to normal." "Yeah. So.. you and Daryl?" "I owed him my life that's it." She rolled her eyes. I knew she was tired of me ignoring the fact that I loved him. I can't be with him though. I'm supposed to be the tough Marine with out anything to hold me back but with Daryl he's turned me into someone that's capable of loving someone. "You know it's better if you just admit it Grace." "I don't love him Maggie." "Quit lying." She laughed and sat down next to me. I lit a cigarette and looked out at the woods.

        "You should probably tell him before you die." My mouth dropped open so fast I dropped my cigarette. I pulled another one out and kept it in my hand. "That was a little blunt." "Sorry. It kind of was." I laughed and looked over at her. "What could I do?" "Kissing him is always an option." "No, not with Daryl." "Do it soon." She left leaving me alone to think about Daryl. I laid back on the cement and looked up the blue sky. This was not going to be simple. I walked down the stairs and ran into Merle. "I'm going to see what the Governor is doing want to come?" "Sure. You'll need back up." He tossed me a gun and we took Nelly so they wouldn't hear us coming. We got about a half mile from Woodbury and got off her. He helped me down and we started walking closer. "More people are on watch than last time." "Got a plan?" I nodded and told him to wait there. I went around the town and found a blind spot. He came after me and we both slid in through the wall. I pulled myself onto a fire escape and climbed to the roof. I walked over to the ledge and got down. I flipped out my knife and carved out two bricks. Merle got down next to me waiting for me to continue. I slid my gun through and looked through the scope. I watched as men went around packing a military vehicle along with other trucks. I moved over and let Merle look as well. I heard a few hushed yells and then stomping. I pulled Merle up with me and looked over to see his men coming up the fire escape. I went to the back of the roof and Merle got my plan.

        I took a few steps back and ran for it. I jumped off the building and hit the hard ground rolling. Merle followed my lead and helped me up. "You're bleeding." "Been happening a lot lately." I whistled and Nelly came out of hiding. We got on her and got away from the town. I took out the bat and twirled it in my hand before taking out a few walkers near the gate. Carol came running and opened the gate. I got off Nelly and slowly walked back inside. My cell looked like someone cleaned it. Most likely Carol. I rolled my eyes and threw off my tank top. I looked down at the new cut on the only part of my torso that wasn't bandaged. I wiped it off making sure nothing was in it before just throwing my shirt back on. I walked upstairs and leaned against Daryl's cell. "Good to see you're finally up." He didn't move to look at me or even make a sound. I sat on the end of the bed hoping he would at least look at me but he didn't. "Daryl.. I don't know what you're thinking or feeling but just please talk to me." "Why? So I can hit ya again..?" I sighed and put my hand on his leg. He moved slightly but allowed me to keep my hand where it was. His eyes were glued to the wall not moving. I stood up and went to leave. "Grace?" "Yeah?" I looked back and he finally turned to look at me. "Thanks.." "Anytime. I owed you."  Rick walked in carrying a bag followed my Michonne and Carl. Rick gave me a nod when he saw me and I returned it. Daryl walked down and we all started talking about going to meet with the Governor. "Grace are you up to go?" "Yeah. Daryl?" He nodded and we came up with a plan. I was going to keep the perimeter clear while Daryl kept an eye on whoever the Governor comes with. Hershel would keep a gun on his leg and another one in plain sight.

         I walked outside with Merle and Daryl for a smoke. I handed one to Daryl and lit it for him. "We're going to die either way. He doesn't want peace, he wants blood." "Try telling that to Officer Friendly, Gracie." We looked out at the fence thinking of our options. "We need to strike first." "There's no way we'll survive that. Unless.. that's your point." I looked over at him and he looked down. Daryl and I exchanged a look of concern. Rick walked out and Daryl and I got in the car. "We need to keep an eye on him." I nodded and looked out the window.

      We all got out and I started to check the perimeter. Daryl stayed close to Rick until he went inside the building. I got down near an open window and lit a cigarette. They both sat down and started talking. I slid through the window and the Governor looked pissed. I walked up to the table and grabbed the gun taped to the bottom. "Next time try to hide it better." I walked out the front and tossed the gun to his friend or whatever the hell he is. "You must be Staff Sergeant Ellis." "And you are?" "Milton." Daryl looked annoyed at Milton. "When the hell did they show up?" "A few minutes ago." I leaned against our car and kept my eye on Martinez. I gave a Hershel a slight nod and looked over at Daryl. I felt sick to my stomach just looking at him. It wasn't in a bad way but I'm to a point that this relationship is making me miserable and I feel like he doesn't care. I lit a cigarette and Milton turned up his nose. "What?" "That kills you, you know.." I started laughing and shook my head. "Hell I hope this is what kills me.  Daryl shot me a dirty look but I just flipped him off not wanting to deal with it.

        "You look pretty beat up." I shrugged and took a drag off the cigarette. "I was the one your little buddy through in the pit. You people are sick." "I believe it lets them have a way out of their grief."

"Whatever." The door of the building opened and Rick stepped out. We all got back in the car and I stood on the edge with the side door open in case they decided to fuck with us on the way out. Once we hit the main road I shut the door. It was a quiet ride to the prison. Merle met me at the door to the cell block and I just walked past him. I sat on my bed and looked over at the wall. A mirror was newly hung on the wall. I walked over to it and looked at my reflection. A laugh went through my head and I was back to the way I was before all the shit went down. My face was full, my hair was washed and brushed out and I had a bit of makeup covering my dark green eyes. I shut my eyes and looked back at the skinny girl with a bruised and broken face. I slammed my fist into it and took it off the wall. I threw it out of my cell and it shattered against the wall near the stairs. I ignored my bleeding hand and just stared at the wall. The feeling of guilt washed over me. I was back to feeling like half of me was gone. I heard people walk by my cell but no one slowed down next to my cell. I was left alone.

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