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It's Tuesday and it's time to go back to school again. But Jungkook would not go to school anymore. He would just go to school when there's an exam. From now on, I'd go alone, eat alone, study alone. It'd be so boring without him.

"Are you sure you can go to work today?" I asked preparing my backpack.

"I'm fine now." He said combing his hair.

"I called oppa and told him about you..."


"He asked if you can work or not?"

"I can. Don't worry." He said taking his backpack and we went out hand in hand.

"Good morning" Taejin greeted us at the door. Taejun was behind him. He was looking at our hands with hurtful eyes. I didn't expect to see his hurtful eyes again because I thought he could forget me as a lover since we were in law already. Jungkook didn't give them a glance but pull me along.

As we got into the car, I noticed Mrs. Nara by the window looking at us. I just pretended not to see her. Jungkook raised his eyebrow at me.

"At school, be careful with strangers. I'll inform V hyung to accompany you every time. You'll be safe without me. And if anything happen call or text me immediately, clear?" He said. I nodded.

"And you too. I'm afraid she'll do something to you." I said.


"Kind of..."

" means, you believe me that she's a witch?"

"Honest, I heard her conversation with someone last night..."


"She told the guy to follow you. I think she suspects about your business."

"It's time."


"It's time for her to know everything that I have tried to hide."

"..." I frowned didn't understand what he was talking.

"I'll tell you later. Now, get out." He said and I just realized we were in front of my school already. I pouted. I wanted to know.

"Chae" As I was about to open the door he called me.

"Nae..." I turned to him and he pecked my lips quickly.

"Study hard" He said smiling. I nodded with my red cheeks and got out of the car and quickly walked into the gate without looking back.

"Hey, Chae" V Oppa walked into my class and greeted with his sexy smirk. He sat down beside me that made all the girls squealed.

"Why you're here?" I asked taking my books.

"It's your husband's order. I don't know why suddenly he becomes so mature and bossy." He said playing with my pen.

"Not because he's mature but because you're more childish than him." I mocked my pen from his hand to write my lesson.

"Really?" V oppa asked turning to look at me innocently. I chuckled flicking his forehead gently.

"What was that for?" He asked rubbing his forehead where I flicked.


"Yah, Chae!" He gritted his teeth.

"What?" He was about to say something but someone showed up. I turned to look and found Sekyung was standing in front of me. V oppa frowned staring at her.

"He...hey" I greeted her. But she showed nothing but cold eyes not like her cheerful self before.

"Sekyung!" Taejun ran in and he tugged her elbow gently.

Our Blind Arranged MarriageOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant