Chapter 2

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"WAKE UP!" I was shaken by Hermione, her face excited and shining.
"Wow. I've never seen you so happy," I grumbled.
"WE'RE GOING TO HOGWARTS TODAY! I get to see dr-" she stopped suddenly.
"You get to see what?" I joked.
"oh nothing." She replied, ignoring the look of surprise on my face.

Shaking my head, I got out of bed. " you've been acting weirdly ever since we came here," I said. " fight with Ron the Weasel?" She shook her.
"Nothing." With that she left, leaving me to wonder myself.

" good morning! It's a happy Monday! Everybody happy! Come sing with me!" I sang as I came down the stairs. "Someone's gone wacky," Harry said as I fell into his arms, while claiming that my pet hamster died. "You don't have a pet hamster," Hermione muttered. My heart dropped. What if she acted like this for the rest of my life- I wouldn't be able to make jokes again! Gasping I giggled and smiled at Harry.
I was her twin after all, we both felt each other's feelings and knew when each other were sad. Right know, I felt sad and depressed, knowing that it was hermione's feelings because I felt light and happy myself.

Sighing, I grabbed my trunk and Harry's hand and ran into the dining room. Ron was sitting, his eyes on his food, shovelling the porridge into his mouth. "Pig!" I laughed.

"Come on! We have to leave!" Mrs weasley grumbled. " don't worry! We're coming!" Chorused the twins in unison.

"Any spare carriage?" I wondered as we trailed around the train, tired from looking. "try this one," Ron said, opening a carriage.  Empty.

We all trailed in, me last. Squeezing in between Hermione and Harry I smiled. "Can you believe! The worlds ending and we're going to school. "

"Please don't talk about You-Know-Who!" Hermione muttered.
My smile dropped we had been part of Voldy for too long. Ever since the philosophers stone, in first form, he was in all of our minds.
"I don't want to do anything with Voldy this year!" I announced.
Harry to bed his scar protectively and replied: "yes!"

The carriage door opened and Neville and Ginny  looked inside. The train started to move. "Hey guys!" Ginny said. Neville laughed nervously.
" have any of you seen Trevor! He's missing!"

Ron raised his eyebrows. " wow! Ever since we were eleven Trevor still stores to get away from you. Maybe he
Doesn't want to be with you buddy!"Ron joked. "don't be rude!" Hermione shouted. Ron raised his eyebrows again.

"I'll help look," Hermione mumbled. " I'll come too!" I shouted. We went out leaving an annoyed Ron, confused Harry and a missing Trevor.


"Not in here!" I shouted. Turning around Hermione had disappeared. Wondering where she went, I closed the door and ran out. A glimpse of brown fizzy hair shot past a corner. I ran after it. Suddenly, I came across a door. I could see silhouettes inside-two- and one was shorter than the other.

Hesitantly, I opened the door just a crack. "Halina?" A small voice came from behind me. Startled, I turned around, seeing it was only Neville. " hey nev!" Trevor was shaking in his arms. "I found him!" He said. I grinned and patted Trevor.
"Don't try to run away again buddy!" I joked.
Smiling, he left.

I turned back to the door but the figures were gone. Running back to the carriage, I went inside to find Hermione inside, her nose stuck in a book. Harry and Ron were chatting quietly and wrappers of chocolate frogs littered the floor. "Hey! Where were you?" I asked Hermione.
"Just came back! I had to use the toilet," with that she continued reading, ignoring everyone else.

The train halted to a stop, and we ran towards the carriages.
"Quick! Inside! We have to sit together!" Harry bustled everyone inside and Luna joined us. Then we were off, off to Hogwarts, our school.


"Stop shovelling that food so quickly Ron! You'll choke on it and die!" I complained as Ron grabbed my sausage and dumped it into his mouth. We were in the great hall, the ceiling glittering with stars and Harry was on one side, Hermione on the other. Sighing, I leant my head on Harry's shoulder and gazed into the sky- or ceiling - until I was rudely interrupted. 
"Potter, Granger Number 2, pleasant to see you," looking up I saw the brutal clear face of Draco Malfoy.
"What do you want Malfoy?" Harry asked.
"Nothing!" He answered, then looked at Hermione, Staring at her for too long. His stormy grey eyes met her and they looked at each other too long for my liking.
"well then! Better be off back to the snakes right Malfoy?" I asked.
He looked at me then back at Hermione, and muttered something, then left.
"What a creep!" He stared at you too long Hermione!" Ron said. Hermione, looked at him and stood up.
"JUST BECAUSE HES A SLYTHERIN DOSENT MEAN HE'S BAD!"she shouted for the whole table to hear. Luckily, none of the other tables heard over the loud chatter.
"What's gotten into you Hermione! You're sticking up for slytherins !" Ron shouted back. Hermione's eyes brimmed up with tears and she started to leave.
"No Hermione! Don't go!" I shouted. I was saved by Dumbledore "Attention everyone!"

Hermione took her seat. I put my arm around her and she stared glumly at her plate. " it's a new year for all of us! Yes, I know Voldemort is on the move and we will be careful, but that can't let us stop from enjoying ourselves!"


" Hermione, what's wrong? You seem to be down today!" I asked. Everyone had gone to sleep and it was just me and Hermione in the common room. She looked up from her book.
" Nothing!" But I felt it. She's my twin sister and we know what each other are feeling. Sighing, I got up and said: " I'm going to bed now! Peace!" Then I left her and her book all alone in the room.

Ron's POV:
As I laid in bed, I wondered what was wrong with Hermione. She had been snappy and moody all day . Tired I looked at Harry. He was sleeping soundly, his scar red in the night. Everyone else seemed so normal, Halina was her usual cheerful loud self, nothing like Hermione. Hermione was normal, quiet and calm. I just felt that Hermione was moving away from me, that she found someone else.... And I had to find out who it is. Whoever it was, they were messing with the wrong guy.

A/N: hey guys! Was up?? I hope you like the book, I don't know if I should continue and please forgive the mistakes I make! I'm too lazy to fix them.

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