Chapter eighteen: Assassination Attempt

Start from the beginning

"My love." He said while pulling out my chair.

I ignored him and sat at the end of the table farthest from.him and his family. They all stared at me with confusion.

"Dear what's wrong?" His father asked.

"I would rather talk to my dear sweet loving faithful fiance alone for a minute." I said while getting up.

Lazarus stood and followed me out the dining area and passing a few maids on the way. We went into an empty room and he closed the door.

"What's up. Why are you a ting like such a-"

He shut up as I gave him an I dare you look.

"No. Go ahead. I'm acting like a bitch right. Well maybe I have a reason huh." I snapped.

"What are you talking about." He asked.

I took a deep breath because I was about to let him have it. I was about to explode.

"What am I talking about? Lazaras.....don't act like you didn't fuck another female today." I said.

He paled. Yea I got his ass.

"You you don't know. You don't know how much I told myself oh he loves you. He will be there. You are having his children he will never leave you. And to see you over that little mistress of yours while I was in the castle. I hate to say it but that hurt me. Congratulations Lazarus. You actually made me regret the day I conceived these babies inside of me.

So let me tell you what's going to happen from now on. I'm going to give birth to these little heirs. I will stay long enough to make sure they eat regular food and I want one million gold franks and a horse. I will never return and you don't have to worry about me wanting anything else from you. That's option a b and c. However I know you will throw in my face the fact that I have to marry you cause of the tradition and all of that jazz so I came up with an alternative. I'll marry and take your name but I want my own side of the castle I don't want you anywhere near me and keep your fucking toys away." I snapped.

He looked shocked and I dusted off my gown. He's gonna be unfaithful well then I'm going to be a bitch. Plain and simple.

All of a sudden I froze and hissed. I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen and clutched my stomach.

"Baby I-"

"No. You stay away from me. You fucked with the wrong black chick. You shouldn't have fucking tolsnme you loved me." I said and walked out the room bumpying his shoulder.

I went back to the dining room and his parents raised their heads to look at me. I cleared my throat.

"Your son and I are no longer a couple we will not be getting married so you may drop the charade. We have a mutual agreement that I will birth his heirs and leave without a trace. Have a nice night." I said.

I walked out the castle into the gardens once more. I sighed into the night sky. I glanced around and thought I saw something then a fire spark. I felt the pain and thought maybe the end is near after all before dropping to the floor.

Lazarus' POV

I went in search for her. Yes I messed up but I loved her. She was my heart. There was no excuse I could say but I would not loose her.

Oh wait she would be in the garden.

I walked to the garden and tried to find her but I didn't see her anywhere. I turned when I froze. There was a heap on the ground. I approached it and dropped to my knew.

"GUARDS!!! GUARDS!!!" I yelled.

Feet came running in our direction as I held her bloodied figure to me.

"Get the doctor hurry. And make a sweep within a thirty mile radius." I snapped.

I took her into my arms and carried her into the castle. This was all my fault. If I hadn't have fucked up and messed with another woman while I had a good faithful one here for me.

God what was I thinking. It was all my fault. Now my family could die and I couldn't so anything about it.

Dun dun dun. Owwe. I bet you all didn't see that coming did you? Now tell the truth? If you thought he was going to cheat on her comment on this but if you didn't comment anyway. Tell me what you think?

What do you think about Lazarus at this moment? Or his parents.

Who do you think tried to kill her? Do you think they were trying to kill her or Lazaras?







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