Chapter 7: Being the Trouble

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“I broke up with him.”


“We weren’t good together.”

“What happened?”

“He was a bad kisser.”

I couldn’t stop the laugh that escaped my lips at Albany’s reasoning for why it hadn’t worked out with her latest beau.

We were sitting down in a booth at McDonald’s sharing a 20 piece chicken nuggets meal along with our respective drinks. I wiped the drip of Dr. Pepper that had escaped my lips and was leaving a sweet, sticky trail down my chin.

“Please tell me you’re joking,” I exclaimed.

“Avery, come on, “Albany stressed, “eighty-three percent of the time you’re with a guy is spent making out. If they’re bad at that then there’s just nothing there.”

I closed my eyes and spread my palm over my face.

“Speaking of things not being there, how’s your boyfriend?” Albany asked.

I uncovered my palm and opened my eyes so that Albany could get a good view of the dramatic eye roll directed towards her.

Andrew is doing swell, thank you very much,” I stated, dripping as much acid in my tone as I could. Albany ignored my negative tone.

“Seriously, Avery,” Albany sighed. I drew a deep sigh, getting ready for an offensive statement. “I do not know how you can be miles away from your boyfriend and be so calm all of the time.”

“It’s called trust, Albany.”

“It’s called, “Love from afar keeps all four people happy”, Avery.”

“Your longest relationship lasted two weeks, what would you know about being happy in a relationship?”

“Avery, I’m not trying to offend you—“

“Well, too late,” I snapped. I stood up and walked swiftly away from a shocked, open-mouthed Albany.  

Surprisingly, my anger didn’t fade away until I stepped off the bus doors when it arrived at my stop. I stepped out of the air conditioned bus and into a world of regret.

I have never reacted to Albany like that. Let alone anyone ever in my entire existence.

What the heck was going on with me?

Why was I acting so differently?

What was making me act so differently?

I rounded the corner to my building and there was my answer. He was sitting on the front steps of the building staring directly at me. I stopped dead in my tracks and stood there, steps away from my building, staring at Gabriel.

I didn’t dare move any part of my body. I didn’t dare close my eyes to blink. I didn’t dare inhale and breathe. I didn’t dare take one more step forward, one more step towards him.

“Geez, Avery. Are you even breathing?” Gabriel blurted out after seconds passed by and I remained in my frozen state.

Gabriel stood up from the steps and began to walk towards me. I instinctively moved one step back for every step he took forward.

“Please, Gabriel,” I whispered, unable to raise my voice any higher but still hoping my voice could reach him, “Don’t.”

Gabriel stopped. “I promise I won’t try anything, just please hear me out.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2013 ⏰

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