Teen Beach Movie (1D version)

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Hello  guys (: I have recently seen the movie teen beach movie And I thought about making a 1D version of it...Now if you havnt seen the movie it's a story about two teenagers mack and brady. (Bf  and Gf) Who went surfing one day and a giant wave washes them into Brady's favorite movie Wet Side Story..Blah Blah BLAH im not spoiling the rest now here it is :D

Ally's POV

Louis and I were out surfing today having a great time riding the waves. It felt so good to be in the water. After we were done we went up to my grandfathers surf shop, He makes surf boards. It's called Big poppa's Surf boards.

"That was great Ally!"

"Sure was, And do I hear music?" I answered. 

"No way it's my favorite movie!"

"Oh no not.." I couldn't even finish my sentence. 

"Wet side Story." Louis and my grandfather said in unison. Nodding together and grinning. 

"Come on Ally you will love it!" 

 I groaned "How do you know that?"

"It's always summer there and all they do is sing and dance." While Louis was extremely into his movie but i had important things to tell him. 

"Louis I really need to talk to you."

"And Zayn The guy walking by catches Layla. The girl that falls off stage. They can't be together because Bikers and surfers are enemies."

"Louis! I really need to talk to you!"

"Oh sure what is it babe?" *Knock knock knock*

"Let me get that." Louis nodded and my grandfather looked up from the board he was waxing. 

I open the door and My aunt Karrie walks in.

"Ally darling you've gotten so big....Well give you aunt a hug..And remember where we're going tomorrow darling."

"Your leaving?! Ally where are you going?"

My grandfather came out. "Now Karrie let's talk about this."

"Father you remember the deal." they walked off and Louis pulled me outside.

"Ally where are you going?" He asked with a worried expression coming across his face. 

"I have to attend a private school." i said quietly.

"So your leaving just like that?"

"Look i'm sorry but it's the only way.."

"Wait so your dumping me?"

"I don't know what else to do Louis i'm sorry."

"I'll wait for you to get back."

"Louis I know what it feels like to miss someone and I care about you too much to put you through that!"

"Wait you care about me so your dumping me?"

"Yeah I guess."

He walked over to lean against the wooden pole. I went over and put my head on his sholder. I kissed him on the cheek.

"Thank you for the best summer ever." I said tears filling my eyes.

*next day*

I couldn't miss the biggest waves to ever hit this island ever. Everyone was talking about them. After I finished packing I got and idea. I put on my swimsuit. I left a note on the table : be back in time for flight ~A

I grabbed my board and headed out to the beach.

Louis POV

I knew she couldn't miss these big waves. They wouldn't hit this island again for another 30 years. I went out to the beach and found her.

"How did you know I would be here?"

"Please Ally you wouldn't miss waves like this for who knows what."

"Look Louis I told you.."  I cut her off

"Hey I didn't come to purpose I came to watch you surf." 

"Hey I think this is it."

She ran towards the water and paddled out. Her grandfather came over to me.

"I don't like the look of those clouds." He was right the clouds became dark.

Just as ally went out in the water the life guard held up red flag.

"She's not paddling in." Her grandfather sounded worried. "Louis she's not paddling in!!"  

I hopped on a jet ski put on a life jacket and raced out to her.

"Ally get on!"

"No Louis I have to do this."

"No you don't." just as I said that a huge wave came over us and under we went. 

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