I finally took notice of the position of the sun and decided I should get back to my rooms to prepare for Margret's visit. I couldn't wait to see the cute little girl again. Happily I only took one wrong turn in getting back to my rooms. When I turned the corner to the corridor where my mine and my fathers rooms I noticed my father waiting for me in front of my door. I felt a sense of dread settle in my gut but I hoped this would be a short visit from him, and not too painful. Maybe he had forgotten most of last night in his inebriated state.

I squared my shoulders and walked calmly down the hallway towards the man that I was deeply terrified of.

"Hello fath- SMACK! My fathers hand connected with my cheek and I lost my balance and fell. I felt kicks raining down on my body. One connected painfully with my knee and another hit my back. Fists were also flying and my face and arms were getting most of the brunt of that part of the attack. My hair was pulled and I was forced to turn into the beating. The wind was kicked out of me and I couldn't breathe the kicks continued to my stomach. I felt my ribs cracking, close to breaking. My nose was bleeding and I the world was starting to go fuzzy. I knew I was crying out in pain but I had learned to never show tears as they would enrage my father further. I suddenly felt the attack cease and heard a child crying. I looked up and tried to focus my eyes on the hazy picture above me. All I saw where a pair of icy eyes and then blackness descended.

When the darkness left me I realized I was lying in bed and that my dress had been removed but a robe had replaced it for modesty sake. My whole body hurt and I could barely move. My eyes started to wander and I noticed Christine sitting in a chair next to my bed. She was sewing and didn't notice my wakefulness until I started coughing. My entire abdomen felt it was lit on fire when I coughed and my vision went blurry again. I forced myself to relax as Christine helped me drink some water she had poured into a cup from a pitcher next to my bed.

"Milady, you gave us such a fright! You have been unconscious for an entire day. The physician was called for and had said that things could go either way. I was so afraid for you, the baron is beside himself with anger at your father. He has stripped your father of the rights to bear his title and has bestowed it upon your brother. But let me go and get the baron now that you are awake and he can explain everything to you."

"thank you" I whispered. I closed my eyes after she left. I was in and out of sleep until I heard the door to my chamber open. I expected the baron but I saw a head of blonde curls and wide blue eyes peek at me through a crack in the door.

"Margret, is that you?" I tried to talk loud enough for my voice to carry but it caused me so much pain I knew I would not try it again for awhile. The blonde head nodded and I motioned with my fingers for the little girl to come closer.

She stepped through the door, closed it and streaked across the floor. Climbing onto the bed she didn't touch me but she sat close to me and surprised me when she asked "are you going to die?" in the smallest voice imaginable.

I couldn't help it. I laughed and instantly regretted it. I gasped in pain and whispered through clenched teeth, trying to sound nice throuh my pain, "no sweetie, I'm not going to die. At least not from this. thank you for asking though."

"That's good Elizabeth. I was so scared when I saw the mean man hurting you."

I felt my eyes widen at the pronouncement.

"you saw me get hurt? Oh my goodness. I am so sorry you had to see that. You never should have had to see anything so terrible. Are you ok?"

Tears started to leak out of the the wide eyes that were staring at me. I knew that I must look frightful to this poor little girl. Margret nodded and threw herself at me wrapping her arms around my neck and shaking with sobs. Even though I knew that it was probably the last thing I should do I made myself sit up and pulled the miserable little girl into my arms, letting her cry her eyes out. After a few minutes she sat back in my lap and I wiped away her tears with the edge of the sleeve on the robe.

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