So I kept walking. We eventually began to pass farm land. I forgot that the ash would destroy the crops, so food would become scarce. I wonder if cannibalism would actually become an option at this rate. If food get's low enough, some people might be desperate. 

I shiver at the thought. Let's not think about that. 

It's been 3 days since the explosion, it'll take about 9-10 days to get there. So...6-7 days left of walking. As long as things go smoothly and we don't lose any more time.

I looked at my phone for the time. 11:30. 

"Let's keep walking for another hour and then we'll stop for lunch. Sound good?" I asked. 

"Sure, where's the next turn?" Chris asked. 

"We don't turn for a while. We keep on this highway and it will take us straight to Chicago." I smiled. 

"Awesome, what about the next town?" Scarlet asked.

"It's an hour away and by then we'll be needing to stop for lunch and a bathroom break. After that we'll figure out the next town to stop at when it starts getting late. We'll stop for the night, eat and then wake up early the next morning and keep going." I explained. They all nodded and we kept walking. Well... trudging through the snow. It was a pain in the rear end because of how thick the  ash is, mixed with previous rain. I should start thinking about finding snowshoes for every one, I wonder if it would work. 

"Lizzie." I heard Rochelle next to me. I looked at her and grinned.

"Hey girl." 

"Are you sure that we'll make it to Chicago alive?" She asked, she was being serious. I frowned.

"I'm not giving up until all of us make it home together." I stated just as seriously. She sighed.

"I don't know Liz, I just...I can't see myself surviving this whole thing." 

"What do you mean?" I asked. "Rochelle, that's crazy. You'll survive this, I won't let you die from something stupid like this." 

"I know that but, I want you to know that, if I get into a tangle...and saving me would risk getting you guys hurt then leave me." Rochelle explained slowly avoiding my eye contact. I almost tripped into the ash. 

"Rochelle don't say that. We're getting through this together, or we die together. We've all said that so many times before and I refuse to just let it slide by like it's nothing. Okay? I won't let you die." I frowned. "Ro, what's this about?" 

"Nothing. Don't worry about it." She mumbled and fell behind again. I pursed my lips but decided to let it go. 


An hour later we had stopped for lunch. We found a standing restaurant and sat in there to eat. 

"It's like we're eating lunch while on a road trip, and it's snowing out." Scarlet smiled at us and looked out the window. When you aren't inhaling the ash, it kind of does look like snow. But we all know it's not snow. I finished eating the apple and slices of ham, then chugged half a bottle of water and pulled the map out. I checked for anything that could disrupt our path. Scarlet and Rochelle went to the bathroom a few minutes later, Chris walked over to me. 

"Hey Lizzie." He greeted.

"Hey Chris." I answered. He settled himself next to me, his arm draping over the back of the seat I was at. 

I'm going to admit, I have a crush on Chris, I do and this would normally make me blush like mad, but we're in the middle of Hell itself and I've sort of lost interest in stuff like that. 

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