What He Likes About You

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Ponyboy: He likes how you are always quirky and smart. You have you own sense of style but still try to fit in.
Johnny: He likes how your eyes light up when he talks about some you like or are very good at. Jonny likes you talking about why you like and how you do it.
Dallas: He likes how your a good kisser. The way your lips dance on his mesmerizes dally. Always leaving him wanting more.
Sodapop: He likes how your always down to do something weather it's a drag race or going places with him at 3 am for no reason.
Two-bit: He likes how you listen to him even though you might not like what he is talking about. Especially when he is drunk.
Steve: He likes how you use your body lauguage. Like how he can tell your mad just by looking at you. But Steve like some parts more than others (;
Darry: He likes how you fun loving and when he's with you it takes him back to before every thing happened

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