Loving Klaus

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Klaus watches the letter that arrived this morning to his manor as he smells it, not recognizing the handwriting. The scent is unknown to him as well but far from repulsing. He sniffs it one last time before unfolding it.

To Klaus Mikaelson

Dear Mr Mikaelson,

I know my letter may surprise you but I assure you that I want you no harm. Who could harm you anyways ? If I write to you, it is to repay a debt that I have towards you. I must warn you that your dearest Caroline is plotting against you along with the Salvatore brothers and their beloved little human. If you doubt my words, you can go check for yourself now. As you are reading this letter, they must be at the Cherif's house rehearsing their " attack ". I wish you nothing but good and hope you will remain safe. For now, I wish to remain unknown. You might be the feared hybrid Niklaus Mikaelson but I can assure you that you will not find out who I am unless I want you to. However, you can communicate with me through this piece of paper for my writing shall disappear and leave it blank. I will read your words and answer through it. Good luck.

Someone indebted to you who wishes you good.

As soon as he read the last line, the writing faded away. Caroline plotting against him ? With the Salvatore brothers ? He thought things were starting to be good with Caroline. He smirked as he thought that he couldn't trust anyone. No one loved him. No one would ever love him. However, a small part of him wished this was not true. He had to find out wether it was true or not. If it was, he would make the Salvatores pay. He couldn't harm Caroline, his Caroline. He put the piece of paper on the table next to him before exiting his house.

Klaus ran to the Cherif's house to find out that the anonymous letter was stating the truth. Caroline had betrayed him. He got upset. He went back to his house to start plotting his revenge. As he was thinking of multiple ways to get even with the traitors, he noticed writting starting to appear on the piece of paper he had placed on a table minutes ago. He went to it and started reading the delicately written words.

Mr Mikaelson,

I see you have decided to find out wether I was stating the truth or not ? I am glad you did and I am sorry you had to find out about such a terrible thing. We are not even yet because my debt is so big this is nothing compared to what I owe you. I intend to give you back for your kindness fairly. Forgive me for my next words but I allow myself to be bold enough to ask you not to seek for revenge. All they are waiting for is for you to loose control. Your hatred is eating you alive. Please don't give in. You might not believe me but I am concerned about you. You should consider leaving this town, it does you no good. I hope you will consider this.

Someone who cares about you.

This only made his anger grow. How dare this person try to manipulate him ? Did she think she could earn his trust just with a warning ? Yes he knew this had to be a woman, the scent and handwriting had given that away. He threw everything he could on the wall. He was tempted to tear the piece of paper apart as the handwriting faded but something stopped him. He decided to let the woman know about how he feels.

To who do you think you are

Who do you think you are to tell me what to do or not ? I am Klaus Mikaelson and no one can manipulate me. Do you think I would trust you ? Whoever you are, don't pretend you know me. As for your so called debt, consider it repaid when you leave me alone. I don't know what you are trying to do with me but it won't work. Even if what you said about Caroline was true, that does not make me trust you. For all I know you could be one o my numerous ennemies trying to get to me. Caroline's betrayal just made me realize I can't trust anybody but myself. Go on with your life if you don't want me to take it.

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