Seventy Six: The last hangout

Start from the beginning

"Is my boyfriend going to win me another teddy this time?" Skylar linked her arm with Justin's.

He smiled at her and shrugged.

"I don't know. You already have a lot of teddies from me, babe."

"Who's counting?"

"Me. Where are they gonna go when we leave?"

Skylar pouted.

"Okay, maybe you can win me a small teddy, one that's pocket size." She said.

"I'm sure I could do that." Justin smiled.

"I want to win something for Romeo."

"How about I help you out with that one? We can get her a big teddy."

"I'm sure she'll love it."

"She'll remember you by it."

Skylar smiled and looked over her shoulder to Romeo who was still laughing at how Xavier kept screaming on the rides. She giggled to herself then wrapped her arm around Justin's waist.

"How's our little day out going so far?" Justin wrapped his arm around Skylar's neck.

"So far so good. We did a lot of laughing, which is good."

"Thanks to Za." He smiled.

"He's a weird one. He should take up stand up comedy."

"He'd probably fail at that by becoming shy when he gets on stage. Maybe he should have his on reality show where he doesn't know he's being filmed."

"He'd be so embarrassed." Skylar giggled.

"He's always embarrassed. Especially today, he screamed louder than all the girls on the ride."

"Don't be mean, Bieber."

"I'm not. I'm just being honest."

"Well, you had your eyes shut most the time so..."

"Yeah, but only you can prove that. Za, on the other hand..." he smiled.

"You were just as scared, Justin."

"Will it make you happy if I admit that I was?"

"Yes. Then I wouldn't feel like a liar." She smiled.

"I was scared." Justin admitted with a shy smile.

Skylar laughed and pecked his cheek.

"Can we get some cotton candy first then go play one of those shooting games that I suck so badly at?" She said.

"I'll race you to the cotton candy stand, over there?" Justin pointed ahead.

"Not if I have anything to do with it." Skylar bolted off and Justin followed, holding onto his sagging jeans so they wouldn't fall.

On their way to one of the game stands, Skylar got a ride on Justin's back as she had some of her cotton candy while singing the chorus of 'Lifestyle' with Justin humming the beat for her.

"I'll play first, to show you how it's done." She hopped off Justin's back and paid the guy behind the counter then got her gun loaded.

"This is gonna be good." Justin chuckled.

"Just watch."

"For someone with bad aim, you sure are confident."

Skylar laughed.

"If you don't shut up, these bullets will go up your butt." She said.

"You'd really shoot me?"


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