(4) - Textually Active

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(A/n: Hey guys I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while I had writers block and it couldn't think of what to do for this chapter. But now that I have something to work with, I wrote this chapter. Also this contains NO SEXUAL CONTENT. I'm 13 and don't write that stuff. I just got bored with the names and had nothing better. So enjoy, and thanks for reading! And sorry for the long time to update/ long authors note. I'll work on it! -Raquel)

"I Can't even handle you right now. You gave him your PHONE NUMBER. What do you think is going to happen? He's not going to call or text you. In fact, it's probably just going to end up on the street!" That's the reaction I hoped and expected to get. But no, I didn't because Adriana is crazy and thinks it a good thing that I gave him my phone number.

"I can't believe you gave him your phone number! What if he calls you or texts you and you two have kids and I become a godmother of lil craics! Oh my god I would freak out. What do you think is going to happen what if he call you and you two fall in love and-!" I cut her off.

"Shut Up! None of that Is going to happen! I gave him my number and he probably gets numbers all the time so he'll just throw it away or something. Okay? Please, just leave it alone. I made a stupid decision and I highly regret it and wish it never happened because nothing will happen with it and besides, he has a girlfriend anyways. So nothing would happen... Wait, he has a girlfriend; right?" I say.

"Nope." She says smirking while popping the 'p'. Shit.

I feel buzzing in my pocket. Oh god, what or who is it?

New Text.

From: Unknown

"Hey! Is this you?" there's a link next to it. I click it and see me, handing Niall my number.

"Yes. Who's this?" I reply.

"Oh, I'm sorry. It's Angela; from English? Yeah, I asked one of your friends for your number because this is all over twitter and stuff! Good Job by the way! Handing him your number and all. Oh! And just so you know, you're getting you ass kicked for being a slut. Kisses! -Angela!(:"

Oh. My. God. What on earth have I done.

"Hey! You alright? You're crying.." Adriana Says with her focus still on the road ahead. She's a few months older so she can drive while I'm still in Drivers Ed.

I hadn't even noticed I was crying until she pointed it out.

"Oh; um. It's Nothing. Just a little thing. Don't worry about it." I said sniffling and whipping a tear away.

"Hell no. It's something now spill it before I lock you in the car and park on the side of the road until you tell me! Because you know it will. So speak up!" She says turning her head but focusing on the road still. Damn she's a better multi tasker than anyone I know.

"Um, Well you know that girl Angela? The really skinny ramen noodle hair girl in English?"

"Yeah. She's so sweet. And she's really funny."

I scoffed. She seems real sweet. "I got a text from her saying that if Niall texts me she's going to get my ass kicked, and now I'm scared because she knows girls who do MMA and I cant fight my sisters in an arm wrestle let alone punch someone who has more muscle than Liam Payne!" I say in a panicked tone.

"Okay, tow things. One, thank you for paying attention to the boys and having at least a little fun; And two, We need to make sure he doesn't text you and if he does, don't, and I mean don't, let anyone know or hear about it. I can't be mixed in with that kind of stuff. I have enough drama with other things." She says. Well, at least I know she would help but she can't.

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