Chapter 1: A Fateful Encounter

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Palutena: *finishes up her conversation with them both.* "and so to keep the circle of love to power the heart of the city... the two of you should go and find someone to care for..." she dismisses them both and goes into a nearby room.

The two boys exchange a glance and shrug.

Pit: "I don't want to be tied down yet... that is so boring..." *pit complains*

Pittoo: *nods in agreement* "yeah... who cares about love anyways... this is bull..."

Pit: "do we have to..." *pit whines*

Pittoo: *nods* "well she said go look... she didn't say we had to pick anyone today..."

You shake your head. No, there is the loophole. Most angels go right out and fall in love with the first other angel they see and never question the rules laid out by the queen. But these two were both just like you freethinkers. While everyone else blindly follows every command given to them you only do it because the one thing you hate more than being different is standing out. You're so focused on trying to ignore pit and dark pit's conversation that you unintentionally back into them as they are leaving the castle.

Pit: *falls into pittoo and they both stare at you.* "oh... excuse..."

Pittoo: "watch where you're going!" *starts yelling but trails off.*

You: "I'm so sorry... i..." *you look at the ground unable to think of a reason to explain why you hadn't been paying attention.*

*the two blink staring at you.*

You: *You swear they look identical if their hair and eyes weren't different colors. Then you realize this other pit had purple eyes too. You don't know what to think. You didn't know any other angels had purple eyes. And yet here was one standing right in front of you.*

*the two glance at each other again.*

Pit: "it isn't your fault... we weren't paying attention either..." *he smiles and holds his hand up.* "hi I'm pit... and this here is Pittoo."

Pittoo: *frowns* "don't call me that... I'd rather you just call me pit or dark pit... but please not Pittoo that's so insulting..."

You: *smile and shake pit's extended hand* "pleasure... I'm (y/n) it's great to finally meet you." (oh wow... I can't believe he actually spoke to me...)

Pit: *smiles* "beautiful name..."

Pittoo: *nods and extends his hand lazily.* "yeah hi whatever..." *when you take his hand he shakes it lazily and then crosses his arms in front of himself.* "so pit... you ready to get back to the brawl hall... we still have time to make it to our team battle."

Pit: *grins* "you bet! Oh... hey (y/n) you want to come with us? I bet link wouldn't mind if we turned the team battle into a three on three."

You: *are completely surprised.* "you... want me to come brawl with you!?!" *your head is swimming. Not only did he say hi to you but he offered you to join him in a brawl. Something you had been wanting for years.* "I'd love that! But... I haven't got any..." you were going to say weapon but you get interrupted when pittoo slams a staff into your open hands. "Hum? What's this for?"

Pittoo: *roll his eyes* "if you're going to fight then you need a weapon right..." *he points to the staff* "I know it isn't much but it'll do for now."

You: *smile a bit.* "oh thank you but... I couldn't..." *you frown.* "I can't leave... I'm bound by angel light... if I leave the goddess I'll..." you're stopped again when pit hands you one of his bracelets.

Pit: "goddess light." *he smiles.* "Palutena gave me these... but I really only need one... if you use this... then you can come to earth with us."

You: *stare at both of them confused. Why are they being so nice to you?* "I haven't got any fighting experience..."

Pittoo: *leans dangerously close to your face.* "then we'll teach you. Unless you want to stay here and clean?" *he questions motioning to the large hall.*

You: (she'll be furious if I go... she may even kick me out of angel land all together... but if I can go to earth just one time... just one day... that's all I need.) *you turn to the two of them and smile.* "alright I'll give it a shot." *you toss the broom aside and follow them outside the castle.*

The sunlight warms your wings and washes over you. When was the last time you had been outside you didn't know. All you knew was you spent so much time in the castle cleaning that you felt like a rebel anytime you dared to think about going outside. The two boys lead you to the edge of the cloud and pit jumps down.

You: *look down horrified. Nobody just jumps off the clouds it's dangerous especially to angels who can't fly. Like you. That power had never been given to you. Sure you could soften the fall by using your wings to sort of glide yourself down, But you'd never be able to get back to the sky if you fell.* "i... I don't think this is a good idea..."

Pittoo: *grins* "do you trust me?"

You: "trust you?"

Pittoo: *holds out his hand.* "yeah... do you trust me?"

You: "y-yes..."

Pittoo: *grins and grabs your arm pulling you off the edge of the cloud with him.*

Dark Pit or Pit x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant