The Mail

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Chris' Pov
(her style -> )

I was getting breakfast ready for myself and Jack since he's always in his lab working on Project World Domination which was too crazy for Jack to even attempt. I sighed as I was done with my breakfast plus was wondering about if his plans are going to work and decided to give Jack his breakfast. "Oh Good morning Christ. Can you get the mail while I head to work." said Mrs. Spicer as they went to the door. "Sure thing Ms. Spicer right after I give Jack his breakfast." I told her. "Thanks tell jack we said bye." she said closing the door.

I rolled my eyes as I held jack's plate of scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast while opening the door and walked down the steps. It was too dark to see anything in the room,"Jack you there?" I called out but no response. So I turned my eyes into a feline to see better in the dark then I saw Jack sleeping on his work table and using his arms as a pillow while slightly drooling on a diagram. I chuckled lightly while walked down the stairs and to the table where he was sleeping then went to his right ear and whistled loud into his ear.

Jack screamed and fell to the floor groaning. "Wake up it's breakfast time." I said while putting the plate on the table and ran to the steps to turn on the lights. "You know you could've shaken me awake." Jack said while chewing on his bacon and slightly glaring at me. "But what's the fun in that when you scream like a girl." I said on my way out of the lab to get the mail. "I DON'T SCREAM LIKE A GIRL!" he yelled from the basement window."Whatever!" I yelled back while opening the Spicer's mailbox and Mine since we lived close by.

I carried The mail back to the basement to help Jack finish his incomplete projects. "So What are working so for Jacky." I said while looking through the mail and walking to the table in the center of the lab. "well I'm deciding on which place I should take for world domination." he said as he was doing some calculations. "Here it's from your dad." giving him a package and opening one of my letters. "Its another artifact that dad found in Hong Kong.Which I don't have time for." he said throwing the puzzle box behind him which landed on the table.

"That's weird I never signed up for this." said Chris when she was reading the letter. "What you got a lame mail too." He said while not noticing a purple mist coming out of the box he threw and was forming a figure behind him. Chris seems to notice it then poked Jack at his to get his attention but he ignored her and the ghost went right through Jack. "I see that your having trouble to take over the world. Maybe I can Help." it said raising its arms up. Jack screamed "Ghost Make it go away Chris!" and hid behind Chris to use her as a shield.

"Who are you? Thanks for making my scream like a bitch." Chris said to the purple spirit while glaring at Jack behind her."My name is Wuya the Heylin witch or was until Master Dashi trapped me into that miserable puzzle box." said Wuya as she went to Chris' face. "Congrats Jack you let out a spiritual witch and I'm a Fairy Princess that makes your wishes come true." Chris said sarcastically as she faced Jack.

"Oh Ha-Ha it's just another one of your pranks. At least I didn't sign up for. . . ."He looking through Chris letter. "Xiaolin training thats lame." he said."You were chosen to be a Xiaolin Dragon! Very interesting Maybe you Help me." said Wuya as she floated next Chris. "First off how and what's Xiaolin Dragon." said Chris crossing her arms. Jack was about to reply but was interrupted,"Jack if you say something insulting about my training classes. I'm gonna Martial kick your ass." Chris said getting him to shut up. Jack closed his mouth and went back to work on his bots then got an electric shock that made him scream. Chris laugh at that and rolled her eyes then looked back at Wuya, "As you were saying Wuya." she said leaning against the table.

"Xiaolin warrior are protectors to keep the balance of good and evil from my side the Evil Heylin. In order to that they use the Shen Gong Wu which is powerful for me to get my form back." she said. "So thats where me and Jack come in to help collect them and bla bla bla world domination." Chris said putting the pieces together. "You catching on your not such a fool after all." she said. "Thanks that's best compliment I've ever gotten so far." Chris said sarcastically "So which side are on Chris the Xiaolin or Heylin your choice?" Wuya said floating by her side. "I'll think about it but besides you got Jack. Jack? JACK!" He Banged his head then looked at Chris while trying to tightening the bolt of his Jack-Bot. "Yeah besides I'm Jack Spicer Evil Boy Genius!" He said in pride but Chris ignore him. "Anyways I still have a few days before I take a look at the place." she said and was went to the door and Wuya followed. "Oh yeah Good Luck Wuya your gonna need it." Chris said quietly and left the basement/lair.

*At Chris' room amd pov*

I sat on my game chair () talking to my old friends as we play Call of Duty for the fun of it. "Hey are guys ready to destroy the opposing team?" said a male voice through the headphones. "Let's do this Jayden." i said on my mic. "Ok on my mark." said jayden. "one, two, thr-" a loud banging on my door. Groaning in frustration after my avatar was killed "Who is it?" i yelled. "Its the delivery boy who else lives here Chris." said jack from the other side of the door. "Sorry Jay gotta go the screaming banshee needs me." i told him. "I HEARD THAT!" yelled Jack.

I heard Jayden laugh at jacks screaming, "Ok bye Chris." then logged off and i do the same. Getting up and opened the door to see jack and Wuya, "Was there a reason that you killed me." I said while glaring at him while leaning against the door frame. "I want you to join the Xiaolin losers so give me the shen gang wu." he said. "Okay fine but I want to bring friends from home." i told him until, "How can your pathetic friends have to do with my plans." said Wuya as went in front of jack. "My pathetic friends happened to be a wolf-hybrid and Leopard." i simply told her. Wuya stared at me for moment, "Alright but you better not make me regret it." she said before disappearing into the walls.

Leaving Chris and Jack alone which means, "So Chris your cool right now about losing the life thing." he said nervously gulping and backing away slowly. Chris just smiled at him while cracking her knuckles loudly, "Five seconds." she said before going on her hands and knees. Jack screamed while rising his arms up and ran down the halls as fast he could, Chris chuckled then transformed into a cheeta-leopard and roared loudly. She been chasing him all around the mansion until he locked himself in the Lair, "He thinks I'm that stupid." she said to herself before turning into a snake for her to squeeze underneath the door and turned off the lights.

"Mommy" said Jack in a high voice. As he heard a growl behind him then turned around shaking when he saw two glowing red eyes staring at jack and let out a girly scream. Chris punched and kicked jack by using her martial arts skills as fast as she could. Without realizing that Wuya watched the whole thing when she 'disappeared' into the walls earlier, 'I believe Chris would be perfect to be Chase Young's apprentice. Right after she helps get by body back and crush those Xiaolin dragons for good.' she thought as Chris was at the basement door and turned the lights back on, "Don't ever fuck gamer who enjoys whooping your ass." she said while pointing her index finger at jack who hanging upside down from the wires that weren't used.

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