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Name: Christian Angelica Moon (

Age: 14

Powers: Shape shift into any Animal she wants to mythical and non-mythical,Talk to animals, and can gain their abilities in her human form.

Personality: Smart,Funny, protect of her friends and animals, anger problems, kind if she wants to,immature at times,gives non/death threats, and fighter.

Likes: Playing video games,Talking to friends on online gaming,pulling pranks on Jack,Hanging out with her Jaguar and wolf, and beating people up when they mess with her.

Dislikes: Losing a game or gets interrupted,Being called a goth,Angie,Weirdo and Ect.

Her story: Raised in a semi wealthy family who treats her like an outcast because of the way she was around animals and never understood her. Her parents weren't supportive and always find an excuse to get away from her or go their "important business" trips. She gets into some fights and detention in her old schools because of her attitude towards teachers or students but mostly of how the way she looks and acts. Since she never had anything to do in her life, she decided to take self-defense classes,martial arts, Jujitsu and karate. when her parents leave for work that usually takes weeks or months she goes to best friend Jack Spicer's house for a while.They were friends since their parents knew each other in high school. Both Chris and Jack were like siblings always helping out one another plus she was in engineer class so she help Jack on his projects and inventions even if doesn't work out good.

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