To My Fave Smol Bean

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So as a lot of you know, my best friend is @tigermmt and she is my fave smol bean so lemme tell you why.

1. She was the friend who kinda got the friendship rolling. So we had known each other for a while but hadn't gotten to really know each other. So in the summer she asked me if I wanted to hang out with her at the park and so there a seed of beautifulness began.

2. She got me into a lot of the bands I like. This lady right here is the reason why I know that Michael Clifford is my future husband. She showed me Fall Out Boy, got me shoved further down Panic!'s fandom hole (I had known about them before becausw of my sister) and got me freaking out over My Chemical Romance and then well, we fell down the hole of 5sos.

3. She is one of the best memestresses around. We like to send each other a lot of memes and such and according to photos we have sent each other 1,102 photos. I think we may have a problem. But who cares.

4. She is one of the kindest most awesome people around. Whenever you're with her you're not bored. The first time I slept over at her place, she made me nutella hot chocolate and it was amazing.

5. If there was a best friend duo that was more similar than any other with out being related, it would be us.

There is so many more reasons but I'm a lazy person so that's all I'm gonna list. Go follow tigermmt and you'll have a place in my House of Memories. Bye!

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