Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

It’s been 4 months since Cheryl and Nadine started going out. Nadine still goes home every other weekend to LA to see her family and check on her bar. The two girls don’t live together yet but still spend most of their time in the evenings together. In a months time the girls will be going on tour.

Waiting at the airport patiently Cheryl stands there holding a sign with Nadine’s name on it. When she sees people coming out of the door she holds it up in the air excitedly looking around for the Irish girl. She sees the girl walking out with her carry on luggage looking around. “Nadz!” Cheryl shouts trying to get the girl to see her.

Looking up when she hears her name Nadine sees Cheryl and walks over to her “Hey babe” she hugs her

“I missed you so much” Cheryl whispers into her ear.

“It’s only been 3 days” Nadine chuckles pulling out of the hug and seeing Cheryl’s hurt expression “I missed you too” Nadine winks.

“Come on, lets go” Cheryl says taking Nadine’s luggage in one hand and Nadine’s hand in the other. They walk out of the airport together and get into a waiting car.

Arriving at Nadine’s flat, the two girls get out of the car and go inside. Nadine is in the kitchen making them both a cup of tea. Once it’s made she walks into the living room and sees Cheryl sat on the settee “Here you go” she says passing the cup over to the older girl.

“Thanks babe”

Nadine sits down next to Cheryl and puts her cup down on the table.

“I’ve been thinking” Cheryl says breaking the silence

“Thinking?” Nadine asks shocked looking at Cheryl

“Don’t be too amazed” Cheryl laughs

Nadine smiles “What were you thinking about?”

Taking a deep breath Cheryl looks into Nadine’s eyes “You know you spend the weekends in LA and a lot of the time you’re in the UK we are together?”

“Yeah” Nadine answers

“Well I was thinking and I thought maybe we should live together. You know like a proper couple”

Nadine looks at Cheryl for a few moments with no expression on her face

“Ok you’re freaking me out” Cheryl says noticing the Irish girls stare

“Sorry it was a bit of a surprise”

“It has been 4 months” Cheryl says “And we’re always together when you’re in the UK”

“I guess” Nadine mumbles

“I’m taking that as a no then” Cheryl says looking down

Nadine smiles at the Geordie and takes her hand and squeezes it “I would love to”

Looking up, Cheryl grins showing off her dimples “Yeah?”

“Yeah” Nadine smiles pressing a gentle kiss on her lips

After a long discussion of who’s flat to live in, they decide on Cheryl’s because she will be living there all the time. They also decided Nadine will move in before the tour starts so they don’t have to worry about it when they finish the tour.

“I can’t believe we are going to live together” Cheryl says pulling Nadine into a hug

“Me neither” Pulling apart Nadine rests her head on Cheryl’s shoulder and faces the TV “You can help me pack tomorrow”

“I hate packing” Cheryl grumbles

“You’re love it when I’m walking around your flat in my underwear though” Nadine giggles

“Our flat” Cheryl corrects “And if you’re going to be your underwear all the time we don’t need to pack your clothes” Cheryl laughs

The next day the two girls are packing Nadine’s clothes and putting them in suitcases. “We’ll need to phone a moving company and rent some boxes” Cheryl says whilst folding up some tops.

“Can’t we just throw it all in the back of a car and do 100 trips?” Nadine says watching Cheryl closely “Try not to crease anything”

Rolling her eyes Cheryl shakes her head “Nadz, that would take months!”

“No it wouldn’t. I’ll phone Sarah, Nic and Kim they can help” Nadine walks off and starts making the arrangements for the 3 other girls to come down.

Seeing Nadine walk into the room Cheryl stands up and walks over to her “What did they say?”

“Sarah knows a man with a van. She’s called him and asked to borrow it”

“Nice” Cheryl places her hands on Nadine’s waist “Kim and Nic?”

“They are both going to bring bags and boxes” Nadine laughs “This will be a fun day”

Cheryl watches Nadine closely for a while and smiles as her girlfriend laughs “You’re so cute”

“You’re cuter” Nadine winks placing her arms around Cheryl’s neck “Come here” She pulls the Geordie into a what was meant to be a quick kiss but turned into a long passionate kiss which ended a few minutes later with the two girls pulling apart breathless “Wow” Nadine whispers onto Cheryl’s lips “I still love your kisses. That’s a good sign I’m not getting bored of you yet”

Cheryl gently slaps the Irish girl on the arm “Oi you. You’ll never get bored of us”

“We’ll see” Nadine winks and walks away to pack some more clothes

“You’re getting bad. I think I’ve become a bad influence on you”

A few hours later all 5 girls are in the flat packing various things and putting them into boxes.

“We should start up our own moving company” Nicola shouts out from the bathroom

“Yeah. We need a good name though” Sarah replies from the kitchen

“How about ‘The Girls Aloud Movers’” Kim says from the living room

“No we need something that flows” Nicola shouts out

“Moving Aloud” Sarah shouts laughing

“You two are rubbish” Nicola giggles walking into the kitchen “How about Girls Moving Aloud”

“Now you’re rubbish” Kimberley says walking into the kitchen to chat easier

“A name will come to us” Sarah says sitting on a stool “Where’s the other two?”

“I haven’t heard from them for a while” Nicola says putting the kettle on

“I think they’re packing the stuff in the bedroom” Kimberley gets 3 cups out and puts some coffee in them.

“I really hope they’re packing and not doing the dirty” Sarah says getting the milk out and passing it to Kimberley

Pouring the milk Kim frowns “I vote Sarah to go in and find out”

“Yeah I think that’s a good plan” Nicola agrees

“Sod off!” Sarah shouts “I don’t wanna see them two having sex”

“Not having sex” Nicola giggles “Just to see if they are actually packing, otherwise we may have to split them up”

“Yeah, go on Sarah” Kimberley places the coffees on the kitchen table “I don’t want them to be getting out of packing”

“Fine but if they’re naked I’m going to kill you both” Sarah walks slowly towards the bedroom door and places her ear to it

“Hurry up Sarah!” Nicola shouts

“Sssshhhh” Sarah shushes, putting her finger up to her mouth “They might hear you”

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