Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Cheryl watches as Nadine fiddles with her fingers “Babe?”

“I don’t know how to say this”

“Cheryl shuffles closer to Nadine and brings both of her hands into her lap “Just say what you feel”

After a long pause Nadine looks up into Cheryl’s eyes “I’m scared” She whispers.

“What are you scared of babe?” Cheryl asks squeezing the younger girl’s hands

“This. Us”

Frowning Cheryl turns on the settee so she is sat crossed legged on it facing Nadine, keeping the Irish girl’s hands in her lap “You’re scared of us?”

Nadine mimics Cheryl’s position and pulls Cheryl’s hands into her lap “I know this is going to be a real relationship which will go somewhere and I’m not use to that”

Cheryl smiles “Welcome to the grownup world”

Rolling her eyes Nadine continues “It’s a scary place to be”

“It’s not when you’re with the right person” Cheryl winks

“And who would that be?”

“Well you’ve got to be with a Geordie. They always know how to have the most fun” Cheryl says keeping a straight face

Nadine smiles “You always know how to put me at ease”

Cheryl starts to gently stroke Nadine’s hands “We’ll take this slow ok. So it will be perfect”

“Ok” Nadine agrees “I really do like you”

“Me too” Cheryl smiles “And I’ve finally got you”

“I still can’t believe you liked me” Nadine turns on the settee and faces the TV “And I still can’t believe we got together. If someone told me that when you came to LA we would become a couple I would’ve laughed in their face”

Cheryl turns to face the TV and rests her head on Nadine’s shoulder “If someone told me that I would’ve jumped with joy”

The next morning Nadine wakes up in Cheryl’s bed led on her back with the Geordie cuddled up to her. She smiles as she gently strokes Cheryl’s arm which is wrapped protectively around her waist. Looking at the clock Nadine sees it’s half 8 and frowns. “Babe” She nudges Cheryl. “Wake up” She whispers gently trying not to startle the girl. All she got in response is a loud snore. Rolling her eyes Nadine gets out of bed and walks into the bathroom to have a quick shower hoping Cheryl will wake up soon as they have work at 11.

30 minutes later Nadine walks out of the bathroom in a towel and smiles when she sees Cheryl sat up in bed. “Good morning”

“Hey” Cheryl eyes Nadine’s body up “Come back to bed”

Nadine shakes her head and smiles “we’ve got two hours until work. Now get up and get dressed”

“Bossy” Cheryl stands up and walks slowly towards Nadine. Once she’s face to face with the Irish girl, she presses a gentle kiss on her lips. She grabs both of her hands whilst looking into Nadine’s eyes. “Come back to bed” She whispers walking backwards towards the bed pulling Nadine with her. As Cheryl’s back of her knees hit the bed she sits down and pulls Nadine down onto her lap.

“Careful, my towel almost fell off then” Nadine puts her hands on the towel making sure it doesn’t fall down.

“What a shame it stayed on” Cheryl winks Pulling Nadine’s head towards hers and stars kissing the Irish girl. Cheryl lies down onto her back pulling Nadine with her and continues kissing the girl. She licks a path around Nadine’s lips. Nadine opens her mouth and meets Cheryl’s tongue in the middle as they kiss passionately.

Cheradine - HolidayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora