After a few minutes Nadine pulls apart to catch her breath and looks deeply into Cheryl’s eyes.

“That was nice” Cheryl smiles, pulling Nadine’s body into hers and wraps her arms tightly around the girl into a hug.

“We’ve got to get dressed” Nadine mumbles into Cheryl’s neck. She kisses it gently and sits up so she is now straddling Cheryl’s thighs “Come on” She stands up and pulls Cheryl up with her “Go have a shower” and with that Nadine walks off and leaves Cheryl in the bedroom on her own.

Its half 11 and Nadine and Cheryl have only just arrived at work for a meeting.

“You’re late” Nicola states whilst watching the two girls sit down opposite her and Kimberley at the table.

“We beat Sarah though” Cheryl smiles noticing the blonde isn’t here

“Actually, no you didn’t” Kimberley smiles “She’s in the loos”

“Now that’s embarrassing” Nadine mumbles “Half hour Harding beat us here”

Sarah walks into the room smiling “And where have you two been?” She winks sitting next to Nadine pulling the girl into a side hug “I think it would be better if you two had sex in the night instead of in the morning”

Nicola and Kimberley bursts out laughing.

“We didn’t have sex” Nadine mumbles slightly embarrassed “Miss sleepy head over here took ages getting ready”

“Hey!” Cheryl playfully hits Nadine’s arm “It only took me an hour”

“Whatever” Nadine rolls her eyes and smiles at the Geordie.

“Where’s Hillary?” Cheryl asks

“She lied to us yesterday. The meeting starts at 12”

“You mean we could’ve had an extra hours kip?” Sarah looks shocked “I’m never going to be on time again”

“You never are anyway” Nicola laughs

“I was today” Sarah replies poking her tongue out

When the meeting finishes Hillary leaves the room, leaving all the girls alone.

“I can’t wait to record the new album” Sarah squeals

“Me neither” Nicola agrees “I can’t wait to listen to these instrumentals” Hillary gave all the girls an instrumental CD to listen to.

“I recon this is going to be the best album ever” Cheryl speaks up “I can’t wait to tour”

“Now that’s going to rock” Sarah agrees standing up

“Pity the beds are tiny” Nicola laughs “Poor Cheryl and Nadine won’t be able to share”

“Oh we will” Cheryl winks

“No moaning and groaning mind” Sarah laughs “I do want to get a bit of sleep”

“Maybe we should convince Hillary to give them their own tour bus” Kimberley joins in “At least then we won’t have to listen to them”

“Hey! We are sat right here you know” Nadine shouts

“Hi Nadz” Sarah waves “Well I’m outta here. Tommy and I are going for a meal and then hitting the clubs. Bye Girls” She hugs everyone and walks out of the room.

Nicola stands up “I’ll see you lot tomorrow”

“Bye Nic” Cheryl stands up and pulls the younger girl into a hug

“Bye babe” Nadine follows suit

“See you tomorrow” Kimberley wraps her arms around the girl and kisses her cheek.

“Well I best be going as well” Kimberley smiles “Gotta do some grocery shopping”

Cheryl smiles and pulls Kimberley into a bear hug “Bye babe” She kisses her cheek

“Bye Kim” Nadine says as she hugs the girl and watches her leave

“What do you want to do tonight?” Cheryl asks as she walks towards Nadine and kisses her gently on the lips.

“I need to go home and unpack” Nadine frowns

“Need some company?”


“Maybe?” Cheryl frowns

“Come on Chez lets go” Nadine laughs taking Cheryl’s hand and leading her out of the building. “Back to yours first, I need to pick up my suitcase”

Cheryl smiles widely as she thinks to herself ‘Life is perfect’

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