The Flower That Brings Death

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The music reverberated around the dressing room, bouncing off the walls as if trapped. It invaded every nook and cranny, it's one and only mission being to fill every available quiet space in the dressing room. The notes waged war with the cheers of the audience until all that could be heard was a mottled mess. The water that sat in the short glass in front of the mirrors shook in sync with the drums.

Cher had about enough of the invading music. She had tried to ignore it for the better part of the hour, but she would take it no more. She reached for her purple headphones, dainty fingers still shaking with the familiar aftermath of adrenaline, and placed them carefully over her hairspray heavy hair. Then, suddenly, the music was gone, and there was silence; she was left to her thoughts. Tonight's performance had received good comments, the best she's had so far actually, so hopefully she would be safe from elimination.

Cher turned on the lights that surrounded the mirror and grabbed her jacket, wrapping it firmly around her body before stalking out of the door.  Her petite body may not show it but Cher had quite a large appetite and right know she was hungry for some Nandos.

As she made her way out of the backstage area and she informed one of the many security guards of her destination. It took her 15 minutes to finally get out of the huge building that housed well over 10,000 people and it would take her a further 15 minutes to walk to Nandos.  The sound of her heels echoed in the silence as she made her way towards the bright illuminated building that was Nandos. Instead of focusing on her surroundings her mind drifted towards what she would order when she got there.

Only, she never made it.


Niall could not stand still. The adrenaline from the nigh's performance coursed through his veins making him unable to think straight let alone stand still. But who could blame him? Even Aiden, the grumpiest of them all, was a bit giddy.

He sang to himself as he skipped down the corridor to his dressing room. As he fumbled for his keys his eyes became level with the door handle, which, to his confusion, was turned down. 'I swear I locked the door...' he thought to himself. With a mental shrug Niall made his way in to the room and was greeted with a sight that would haunt him till his death day.

A head. A message. Blood.


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