Harsh Weather

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Though it's very easy to see the harsh weather affects you and me.

Against the wind, against the flood, we all fight together through the bad and the run.

I unlike others is different you see, as I have a harsh sense that makes me different.

And though I may seem mean or demanding it's simply the force field from the weather I say.

The people I trust bask and lay in the sun as I protect my own from the force of the fray.

Though the world seems tough, let's just share this opinion, the quiet have a world to share.

And though I may seem mean just don't take it too keenly as I say I really don't care.

When in reality we all fight this war against the weather and wind, and I know we will all ascend.

As we finally all meet the end.

Sollunaestia, The Golden Book of Majesty.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz