The Beauty of Fantasy

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(This is a time lapse poem, based off of the story: The Burning Wings of Fate, please enjoy ^-^)


I awaken from my sleep still drowsy and dazed. To find myself trapped in the misty mountain plains. The beauty takes breath away as i search and sway. I take it upon myself to wander and willy about the land today. Though i feared it for so long i shall not stray. I shall finally search the land i have feared today.


I journeyed near the creeks and under the falls. Fore this is the land i wanted most of all. I scaled the hills for sights to see. There before stood that of majesty. A golden castle, oh so tall. I walk to it through the leaves of fall.


The castle did get swarmed with that. Scaly beasts whose armour were cracked. Dragons did roar but did not attack with flames or claws. Fore they did bow to the queens who did pause. The land filled with light and knights from all around. The shine peeked over the mountain and all without sound.


The knights did raise their banners as the sun blazed. Oh so gallantly the knights did stand their faces remained unphased. The dragon's stood by the side of the knights fore they did flutter their wings. Taking a pose as the melody of lute and flute did sing. A color of blue i did see as the queen looked and waved at me. Her dress a sky ocean blue swayed and seemed to bloom in the sun as the mighty wind blew.


The queen did smile and jump with joy alike a child that found a new toy. It seems we were friends, may have been a past life as i told her that she may have thought it a lie. I told her my name which was not the truth, I'm ashamed of my past and that i have you. If only you'd know mighty queen have no mistake, I'm not for celebrating or have thee a fake.


We talked and talked fore my mind didn't wander. The queen understood and so she did ponder. She patted my back and gave me a smile as she escorted me to a room and tossed me the key. She pushed me to the room saying it was mine fore she wanted me to have it, oh so divine i smiled with glee. With the land so great i accepted my fate and stayed in the land where all did shine. For the beauty in fantasy shined in its divine. Thus ends the story of what we know, but in our hearts we beg and we bestow. Upon thee have the best dreams and stand at the very peak fore you are the only one who can control the beauty of thine fantasy.

(Leave suggestions in the comments for other poems or story's I should write about. I enjoy writing poems and short stories as well as long length tales, but for here I will write short stories. so please, be my guest and give me any idea's you want me to write a story on <3 Be aware I may include my own opinions if the topic is about something that interests me and doesn't go into at least a little description. Have a great day).

Sollunaestia, The Golden Book of Majesty.Where stories live. Discover now