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I sat in bed that night, trying to think of the perfect idea that wouldn't be too hard to write.  It was the first time I really let my mind roam for new ideas for a story since my last just came out of nowhere.   It only took moments before something just snapped into my head. 

I knew I wanted it to be a forbidden romance (romance was something I figured would be the easiest genre to start in).  But what snapped in my head instantly was a relationship with a step daughter and a step father.  It had to be more than that though and not a second later, I knew that I would have to make the main character 'insane'.  It made it different and would be very interesting to write about, to see where I could go on that idea; a twist that would make me all the more excited to write.

The story just fell in place on it's own.  Her mother would be twisted and insist she was crazy because it made it even more exciting of a story and more importantly, more exciting for me.  That's something that will always come first: my pleasure I take out of what I do.

This was one of best parts about writing for me.  The foundation.  Because you don't need to limit yourself when you are coming up with the basics for your story.  My mind was everywhere with ideas, of where all this could lead, what it could mean for each character.... My mind went in so many directions once coming up with a story because the story itself could go in unlimited directions.  Some ideas are broad, some detailed.  I fell asleep that night, satisfied that I had come up with what seemed to be a manageable story.  Not to mention, it interested me. 

That was something I knew was essential.  If you get bored with your idea, it wont last and others would get bored with it too.  Something I needed to follow was that I needed to write whatever I would want to read, whatever I would have found satisfying in a book.  And I knew I would find my idea to be quite interesting if I was the reader. 


July 29th, 2011.  It was the next day after I came up with the story and I made the account on Wattpad.  I remember sitting on the couch, trying to think of what I wanted to be my user name. I wanted everything to be perfect for me on Wattpad because I knew how far I wanted to make it on this site.  And at the time, every detail counted in the world I was about to create through the website.  So to me, the user name, background, the little section about me... it became important too in a way.  I was creating my own world and I wanted it to look nice. 

I was always very protective of my writing and I didn't want anybody that I knew personally stumble upon it.  So I didn't mention my name.  In fact, under my profile, I put my name as Ren when in fact my first name is Marissa.  Renee is my middle (which was where Ren came from).  I just never liked the name Marissa so I said my name was Ren. 

My user name though was quite meaningful to me.  JadedViolet - Violet was the name of the main character from my first story and Jaded was something that just popped in my head at the time and I really liked it because it fit with where my stories came from - just popping into my head.  Not to mention, jaded is something that means you are tired or bored of something.  And I was ultimately bored and sick of the same stories on Wattpad.  They were all the same to me and none of them were original enough to be satisfying. 

At the time I had a different profile picture but the one I currently have now goes with my user name for the fact that the picture of the angel and the girl goes with my first story as well and match the description of characters.  That first story held so much importance with me being on Wattpad; I wouldn't be here without that story so I liked involving little things that would remind me of why I am here.  

After I got everything set up, I started to write of course.  I remember being so unsure of how to go about doing it since I knew people would actually be reading this.  I tried to do so good, tried to make it perfect to where it just sucked for the first few paragraphs (that's what happens if you try to hard.  You need to just let it flow).  I wasn't great with writing yet and didn't know how to start a story.  After all, every time in the past I would try to start, I would redo it. 

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