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It was incredibly quiet in my home, calm even, but despite that my heart continued to race and it had everything to do with the woman in my bed, sharing my pillow, staring back at me.

My hand rested on her hip possessively as my thumb rubbed lazy circles into her warm skin.

We had been lying here, facing each other, quietly observing the details of each other's faces for nearly an hour.

I had been waiting for this moment for so long and now as I took in the green and gold flecks in her eyes I couldn't make myself believe it was real. If it wasn't for the fact that I could feel her here with me I would be convinced I was dreaming.

"You're beautiful."

The blush that spread over her cheeks at my words and the soft smile that graced her lips made me want to repeat that phrase forever if it would make her look at me like that.

She quickly tucked her chin into her chest and laughed to herself.

"Wha?" I asked completely fascinated by her with my own chuckle leaving my lips.

"It's kind of strange, us being like this."

My hand slide over the curve of her body and up towards her face were I pushed the hair that had fallen into her face behind her ear before sending her a grin.

"I think it's something I could get used to."

Her response to that was to close the small gape between us and press her lips to mine. Once again my hand slid from its place on her face until it was securely wrapped around her waist and pulling her body tightly against mine.

I groaned when she pulled her lips away with a small smirk. "Me too."

My face evened out once more while my eyes scanned her face. "I meant it Aria."

She frowned at me in question as I tightened my hold on her affectionately. "I won't hurt you. You and Jamie, you're what was missing and I won't do anything to ruin that."

She just looked at me with widened eyes, taking in every word and for once I really felt like they were sinking in, like she believed me.

"I promise." I repeated my words from earlier soliciting a sweet smile from the beautiful woman in my arms.

And once again we let the quiet consume us, this time both our eyes lazily closing allowing ourselves to settle in the comfortable silence.

It was odd for me.

I hadn't had a woman in my bed like this in a very long time.

For the longest time I lived up to the playboy title the media gave me because I was broken after Rachel, but it never accorded to me that I would one day find myself in bed and be completely satisfied with just cuddling, holding each other and stealing kisses.

My eyes slowly opened to look at Aria's peaceful face. Her eyes closed and lips slightly parted and only a breath away from mine.

She wasn't overly made up like the other girls I had been this close to in my resent past, she didn't wear revealing clothes to entice me, or flirt shamelessly like they did. I laughed at the thought, if anything she fought me for everything.

Aria was so different from what I was used to, so refreshing.

She was everything I needed and everything I never knew I wanted. Strong, stubborn, nurturing, beautiful... perfect.

And she was here, finally, and I wasn't going to ruin this.

I hadn't wanted anything as badly as I wanted this in a very long time.

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