At about five pm I was once again back in the kitchen eavesdropping and trying my hardest not to laugh out loud at what was slowly turning out to be a failed song writing experience for the boys judging by their impatience with each other's ideas and the incredibly ridiculous songs they were randomly singing.


I jumped slightly, and nearly sliced my finger off where I was chopping up the last carrot, when I heard the husky, slowly spoken word from directly behind me.

I spun around, my thoughtful smile falling into a slightly startled look as I almost bumped chest with Harry.

He smirked at my alarm and rubbed the back of his neck while dipping his head down to look me in the eyes.

"I've been meaning to talk to you it's just... well it's been a busy day hasn't it?"

He almost sounded nervous, and it was incredibly enduring and slightly knee weakening when that was added to the look he was giving me.

The look where he appeared to be trying to read my mind to find out if I was going to run or not.

"It's alright. You had work to do and there isn't anything we need to talk about. We cleared everything up last night."

Harry's eyes fluttered shut as he released a short snort through his nose. "You really don't listen do you?"

I tried to back up, sensing the change in mood from casual to...something else, but I quickly felt the edge of the counter dig into my back as Harry took a half step forward. We were now so close I could feel the heat from his body oozing off his person.

"I told you, Aria, I am not going to allow you to run from me." His eyes scanned my face as mine unconsciously dropped to stare at his pink moist lips which promptly solicited a chuckle from him. "And just looking at you I can tell you don't even want to, so why are we still playing at this game?"

I lifted my hands to place on his chest and for a brief moment even I wasn't sure if I was going to push or pull him closer as my fingers itched to dig into the almost completely sheer black shirt that I could see his tattoos clearly through.

But alas my stubborn side won out as I kept my hands flat and shoved him far enough away so I could salad out from between him and the counter and move to a safe zone to the side.

"Harry friends are out there working." I said not looking at him for fear I might just change my mind and drag him down to my lips were we could begin a repeat of last night, right here, right now with everyone in the next room. "You should get back to them and let me finish dinner. I've had a long day and I cannot deal with this right now."

Once again he scoffed at my words. "Of course you can't deal with it right now..." He opened his mouth looking like he had more to say, and looking just a little angry as well, but just as whatever he was intending to say was about to slip out into the world Liam's down-to-business voice rang out form the other room like an answered prayer calling his bandmate back from his quick escape.

As much as Harry would like to sit there and try to get a reaction out of me, we both knew that he was already dropping it at the sound of his voice, at least for the moment.

"I'm not letting you run from me Aria." He repeated even as he was backing away towards the door that led to his friends. "Just keep that in mind while you think up ways to avoid me."

I hadn't realized I was holding my breath until the door closed and I was once again alone in the kitchen.

Harry had this way of making me feel every imaginable emotion all at once and when he left it was just... gone. Not in a relieving kind of way either, more of an empty kind of way.

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