Mason sucked in a deep breath. "You saved my life, that... vampire, was going to kill me." 

"It's my job, to protect yo- everyone." He stuttered.

"The Cullens are vampires." Mason blurted out. 

"Yeah, i know." Jacob nodded.

"A vampire killed my mom."

Jacob's jaw clenched. "How do you know that?"

Mason looked up with watery eyes. Her lip quivered as she spoke. "Her throat was ripped out."

Jacob's breathing became faster, his grip tightened on her hand before he pulled away and started walking away.

"Jacob! Jacob, stop!" Mason started to walk towards him.

"Mason, stay back. I don't want to hurt you." Jacob was afraid that he was going to phase.

"Like Sam hurt Emily?" Mason asked.

His breathing slowed down as he turned to look at her. "How did you-"

"It wasn't that hard to put together. I'm not scared of you Jacob. I know you're not the bad guy; I've stayed up all night researching for the past week. Werewolves only kill vampire. They have bad tempers and are unnaturally hot, so is their temperature." Mason smirked, knowing that she was slowing down his heartbeat.

Jacob laughed and looked at her admiringly. He knew that the pack was listening, their voices were ringing in his head. Before Mason knew it, Jacob had walked towards her and his hand was now resting on her cheek. 

"I will never let anything hurt you." He whispered before kissing her.

This kiss was different than the first one; it was passionate. Jacob's wolf was howling inside of him, the touch of his imprint thrilling him more than any kill could. Hoots and hollers were heard close by. Pulling away, the two laughed. Sam, Paul, Embry, Jared, and Quil ran out of their hiding place.

"Really guys?" Jacob asked.

"Bout time, your thoughts were starting to make me gag." Embry pushed Jacob.

"We need you. Paul picked up the red-head's scent again." Jared spoke up.

"Victoria? She's here?" Mason asked. All of the wolves looked at her.

"We chased her all the way to the border the other night. But she won't stay gone. She keeps coming back, if we knew what she was after..." Sam trailed off, noticing Mason's horrifying expression. "What's wrong?"

"I know what she's after." Mason spoke lowly. "Me."

All of their expressions changed. "Wh-Why?" Embry asked.

"Laurent, h-he said that Edward killed her mate of something like that because they tried to kill Bella, and instead of killing Bella; she wants to kill me. She wants to cause both Edward and Bella pain and she somehow thinks that killing me would do that." She looked over to Jacob. "I don't even like Edward, why would it hurt him if i was dead?"

Jacob licked his lips and looked at Sam, knowing the answer. But again, he wasn't allowed to say anything. "I don't know."

"Let me see if i got this right. So because your best friend is in love with a bloodsucker, it almost got her killed. And in order to save her life, Edward had to kill Victoria- is that her name?" Jared paused to ask Mason, she nodded. "Okay, he killed Victoria's mate and now you have to pay the price?"

"I guess. But that's not even the worst part." Mason sarcastically laughed.

"How the hell is that not the worst part?" Jacob asked.

"This may sound weird bu-"

"You're standing on a beach with a bunch of werewolves, telling them information about a vampire that wants to kill you. I don't think it can get any weirder." Embry voiced his opinion.

Sam gave him a look. "Please continue, everything can help."

"For the past few weeks, before i met Laurent and knew who Victoria was, i had this weird dream. It was the same every night."

"What was it?" Jacob impatiently asked.

"It was- It was of her killing me." Mason's voice cracked. "And, in the meadow, right before the wol- before you guys killed Laurent. I had this vision like thing of Victoria walking into a hospital room. That was right before my mom was killed. That can't be a coincidence, right?"

The boys all looked at each other before the alpha spoke. "I don't know, but we're gonna find out." 



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