Attemp 2346

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A/N AHAAAHAHAHHH!!!! I really wanted to write a J.S fan-fic for a reeeeaaaallllyyyy long time. I really don't know why it took me this long but hey, it's here now!



Ugh, nothing ever works. You know what? What? I give up, I give trying to get his attention. Really? Yes I'm finally gonna face the fact that he will never see my tweets, my DMs, or... or... *thinks for like a straight 5 minutes* Or what, exactly? Ehh I'll try one more time. After this I'm going to bed I'm pooped. Ugghh!


Roxy_Sartorious: soo uhh basically I've trying to get your attention for like the last six months and you haven't responded. Like not even once. Yes, I get that your super busy with your musicals and vine, but just hear me out. Yes, I know you have 1. Like what 5 mill followers on Instagram? Yes, I know that they are all trying to contact you at once, and that you are trying to get to talk to them all. I just feel really bummed and a little let down. So, I give up. I give up trying to talk to you. I give up trying to get your attention. I realize now that I'm really stupid for thinking that you would ever respond. So I'm sorry.

Cool story bro. What ever!

Roxy_Sartorious: wow, that was long.

A/N PLS don't yell at me! I know it was short, but it was the prologue so... ya.

255 words

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