12: Confessions

Começar do início

"Yes." I said, "That's true."

"But Samuel told me that's it's happening again. Just like with Luke Kaiser, but with me. He said if you keep protecting me, then you will be punished again, but this time more severely." Gail said.

"I had no idea," Sam said, "I'm so sorry-"

"Don't be." I snapped at him, "You didn't do anything." I stood up, and left the table, leaving my untouched burger.

I marched to my room sat on my bed, staring at the star maps. I could not find a definitive destiny for Gail. So there wasn't any proof that she wasn't the Anti-Christ, or that she was. I heard a flutter of wings behind me.

"You know, Gail's right." Micheal said from behind me.

I turned around, "About what?"

"You will be punished severely if you continue to protect her. I'm not asking you to kill her, just let her go. Another angel will get her."

"She's your niece, Micheal, why would you want her dead?" I asked him.

"She's illegal Kei. She's a criminal. Sometimes criminals get the death penalty for their crimes."

"What was her crime?! Being born?!" I yelled at him.

He turned away, "I truly am sorry, Keistelle. I know she means a lot to you."

"She means everything to me." I said, "Have you ever loved like that?"

He didn't have an answer to my question, and avoided it by saying, "Remember, you chose the hunter's life. Don't let people get close to you. You just put them in danger."

"I know," I whispered.

"Please, Kei, just- just- you have to let the niphilim go. I will have to punish you if you don't."

I had no response to that, and Micheal left with a flutter of his wings. With nothing to do in my room, I went to go talk to Gail. I should have told her the truth before she found it out herself.

I walked down the drafty hall of the bunker, toward the second guest room. I grabbed the doorknob and turned it.

Gail's light was off, save for a small bedside lamp. She was staring into a book. "Gail?" I asked.

She turned to me, snapping her book closed. She tossed it under her pillow, but not before I saw what it was. She was reading a copy of the book of Revelations.

"Yes?" She asked.

"Just- I was wondering if you wanted to tell me anything else. Anything else Samuel told you?" I sat down on the bed with Gail.

"No," She said flatly, "I don't want to tell you anything else."

"So, he did tell you something else?" I pressed.

"Maybe," She said, "Is the stuff I told you true?"

I nodded, "All of it, even Hell."

"What was Hell like?" Gail asked me.

"I don't wish to talk about it." I snapped.

Gail stuttered, "I- I'm sorry."

"Don't be," I said, standing up, "But, if there's nothing else you're gonna tell me, see ya." I walked over to the door and turned the knob.

"Wait," Gail called. I turned around.


I seemed hard for her to say, "I- I want you to stop protecting me."

"Why!?" I asked, half-yelling.

"I don't want you to be punished because of me. The angels are just as intent on killing you, as they are me." She said.

"How- how do you know that?"

"I don't know, I can hear-" The door burst open.

Cas stormed in. "You're listening to angels talk?"

Gail and I whipped around, "How did you know?" Gail asked.

"Angels can read minds you know. I've been listening through the door." Cas explained.

Gail looked at the floor, "Well, I didn't realize they were angels."

Cas ran his hand through his hair, "Great. We got another Anna."

"Excuse me? Another Anna?" Gail asked, confused.

"You're gonna be in so much danger now, you have no idea Gail." I informed her, "Your archangelic powers are starting to surface."

"What do you mean? What danger?"

"You can hear angel speak. Angels already want you dead, because you're a niphilim, but demons will want you now because you can here what the angels are saying." Cas explained.

"Oh. That sucks."

"Yeah, it sucks. Gail, I- I think you're gonna have to become a hunter." She looked at me like I was speaking Latin with a French accent, "I mean, without a way to protect yourself, you're gonna get taken within a day." I explained.

"Okay, I'll be a hunter." She agreed.

"You realize you have to leave your past life, your mom, your siblings, no personal ties with non-hunters. They'll be used against you." I said.

"They're gone," She said, "Left me, when I was fourteen. Called me a filthy mistake. Trust me, I have no ties with them."

"Oh- Okay." I said, a bit shocked.

"So when do we start?" Gail asked.

"Now would be smart." Cas said.

Another chapter can I get a 'yeah-a'! Thanks for reading!! If you enjoyed, please vote and comment because it would be just great!

The Fifth ArchangelOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora