Chapter One

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Aoife sat playing the piano while she waited for her friends to arrive. Then she could finally do what she'd wanted to do her whole life. She could explore the house by the river. And she would come back. She was strong, as were her friends. They could all fight. Whatever was in there that had made Alba and Evie disappear had to be stopped. She would find her friends, and, if she was too late, they would be avenged. Many other thoughts filled her head while her fingers slid across the keys. She carried on playing until there was a soft knock on the door. Aoife answered it to see that her friend Nessa was standing outside.

"Hey Aoife!" Nessa said nervously, a lot quieter than usual. "Are the others here yet?" Aoife shook her head. The two girls began to chat nervously at the door while they waited for their other friends. Their conversation lasted for about ten minutes before they heard something crash, followed by manic laughter. Zoe stood up and brushed the dirt off her clothes. Blood was rolling down her cheek, but she grinned insanely.

"You guys ready to kick some old house ass?" Zoe asked, her sea-green eyes sparkling excitedly. She did a Chuck Norris roundhouse kick. Aoife and Nessa rolled their eyes at their friend's antics. Zoe looked behind her and bolted off, coming back a few seconds later with two girls, Kat and Alex.

"You're crazy!" Alex said to Zoe, who grinned and attemped a cartwheel. She fell on her head and, as the other girls scrambled to help her up, said:

"That was so much fun! I've got to do that again!"

"Again?" Kat asked incredulously. Zoe nodded in response and repeated the gymnastic failure.

"Let's go!" Zoe squealed and ran off towards the river. The others followed exasperatedly.

"She's had way too much sugar." Nessa stated. The other girls nodded in agreement.

About ten minutes of walking in silence later, the girls reached the river, and saw that Zoe had stopped a few metres away from it. They approached her, and saw what had caused her to stop. In the middle of the river was a streak of blood. As the girls walked upstream, they saw that the blood wasn't only in that area. One bit of the river had not only the streak on the surface, but more blood swirling around beneath it, mingling with the murky depths that were so useful when gathering food. Nessa glanced up and gasped. The other girls looked in the direction of what had surprised her. They were in front of the house, but it wasn't that. The was a strange wreath in the place someone might hang a holly wreath at Christmas. But the wreath on the door of the old house was woven of thin fibres, some black, some vibrant orange.

"Is that human hair?" Kat asked, and Zoe stepped forward to examine it. She ran her fingers smoothly across the delicate weaving, and, a moment later, declared that it was.

"It's the colours of..." Aoife began, but trailed off when she saw that Alex was near tears. But the other girls knew what she had been about to say. The black hair matched Alba's flowing tresses, and the orange was the shade of ginger that always let the girls know Evie was nearby.

"There's blood on the door handle." Zoe said, and Alex wimpered.

"That's disgusting." Nessa said, and Aoife nodded in agreement.

"Let's go and explore!" Zoe said, her usually energy and enthusiasm back. She pressed her foot against the door and it swung open.

"You can't just go barrelling in!" Kat exclaimed, grabbing Zoe's wrist.

"Sure I can." Zoe replied, before stepping through the door.

"Are you crazy?" Alex asked, and Zoe nodded.

"We established that a long time ago." Nessa reminded Alex, who mock glared at her in response, despite the situation they were in.

"Are you guys coming, or do I have to go alone?" Zoe asked as she turned back to her friends. Aoife stepped forward and pulled a kitchen knife out of her pocket.

"I'm not turning back now." she said, going to stand next to Zoe.

"I guess someone mature needs to go, just to keep you two under control." Kat came forward as she spoke. Nessa moved towards the group.

"Count me in. Alba and Evie wouldn't have wanted us to come at all, but they can't stop us, and they wouldn't have wanted us to split." she said, her blue eyes shining. The four girls all stared expectantly at Alex.

"Come on, Alex. Do you want to find your sister?" Zoe said, knowing that Alex would cave in as soon as she heard the word sister. She had always been fiercely protective of Evie, and then would be no exception.

"Okay. I'll come." Alex said quietly, looking extremely scared. "Do we have any weapons?" Zoe grinned and ran off to the only tree in sight, which she quickly climbed. She reached the top, and came down a few minutes later with four spears, about two dozen various throwing knives, two bows and two full quivers.

"I found the spears last hunting season. The rest I've just hoarded over the years." she said, beaming insanely. "Who wants what? One of the bows is mine." Aoife immediately reached for a bow and quiver. Alex took a dozen knives, Nessa took three spears and Kat took the remaining spear and other dozen knives. Zoe pouted and held her hand out to Kat.

"What?" Kat asked, still finding Zoe confusing after being friends with her for most of their lives.

"I want a knife." Zoe answered, and Kat sighed and gave her one. "Yay! Let's go!" Zoe exclaimed, bounding into the house.

"This is going to be a long however long it is we're in there with her around." Kat said exasperatedly.

"I just hope she doesn't have any sweets, fizzy drinks or coffee!" Aoife added, and Nessa smirked as the four followed Zoe.

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