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Isn't it weird,

How we hallucinate at night,

We are asleep, as it seems,

But wide awake in our dreams,

And everyone assumes it's alright?


Not reacting to the outside,

Not reacting to sound, not reacting to light.

Trapped in the depths of a weird universe

Not knowing if it's real, or if it's a curse.


It's where our deepest fears lie,

Forgotten by us but they never forgot to try.

Once again giving us the biggest scares,

Haunting us in form of nightmares.


How do we even know if it's a dream,

Or if it is all a real regime.

We could be sleeping right now, all could be fake,

And not remembering anything when we wake.


It feels so real, so present,

But to the real world it's just silent.

Nobody else sees what our minds create,

Because reality would only invade.


Lying still, not moving a muscle,

But walking miles inside our heads.

Facing unexplored worlds, new threads.

And we think it is all casual,

Isn't it weird?

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