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Hermione had breakfast as always with her mum and dad. Talking about that big event that happened in the country yesterday. Then her dad started with a new story about his work and about some kid. Who he, her dad, had to tickle him to make him open his mouth.
Hermione did enjoy listening to her dad's stories. "Have a good day, princess." Her dad said when she gave him a kiss. Then she gave her mum a kiss on her cheek as always before leaving.

Hermione felt good wearing these clothes. She felt for the first time as a lady. Not exactly a sexy one. She didn't understand what exactly sexy mean.. At least to her she really couldn't have a specific meaning of being 'Sexy'. Was it about sexually attractive or exciting.. Or cute.. Or was it appealing.

Maybe she felt cute wearing that outfit.. Not the stupid cute, or the babies cute. But the sexy cute.
She had a smile as she walked down the street to the bus stop. She could feel the breeze on her bare legs. Was it worth it? She took a deep breath and continued walking.

Draco had breakfast with his mother as well. Bacon and eggs were always his favorite.
After breakfast he went out and his ride was ready. He had a car. But he wasn't the one who drove it. Blaise who used to drive it.
Blaise wanted to be a car mechanic. So Draco gave him his car to work on it. He had a black FORD. A black convertible FORD.

"Come on, mate!" Blaise called

Draco was holding his American football in his hands then he threw it from the door step to Blaise in the car. Blaise got it "Nice grab Zabini!" Draco smiled. He got in the car. Without bothering himself to open the door he jumped in.
Then Blaise turned the radio on. And that rap song came in. It was too loud and they were both grinning and dancing.

"Well look who's here!" Blaise said pointing to a girl walking. "Is that not a pencil necked virgin I see before me?"

"I believe it is." Draco grinned when he watched Hermione walking.

"She's standing dangerously close to a vast pool of water."

"For a very smart girl, that's ain't smart." Draco chuckled
At this moment Blaise sped up and turned right to get closer to that vast pool. He and Draco screamed. Hermione stopped walking to look at whoever was screaming like that. Just ran she turned she found herself facing what seemed a huge wave. Splash. Then she found herseld wet from her head to her toes.

Her new outfit was ruined, her makeup was ruined. And her hair was dropping water badly. She gasped once the cool water hit her body. She was almost there and she couldn't go back to change because she didn't want to be late.

Hermione let a sigh and pulled her wand to dry herself. And she did. But what happened was that the Sleekeazy's hair potion was now gone. Hermione kept on walking. Her hair was bushy and in messy curls. She entered the collage trying to smooth her hair with her hand.
Okay.. Just keep walking. No one will notice. She thought
But every single one in the school noticed. People were laughing and pointing at her.

"She looks like she never brushed her hair." Some girl said

"She looks like a freaking gorilla!" Another laughed

"Nice hair! Freak!" Another called

"Thanks." Hermione replied blushing

A group of guys were leaning on the wall "who wants cotton candy?" Some of them said when Hermione walked by them and the rest started laughing.

A guy came to her who had the same bushy hair of her now. "I love what you done to your hair, Hermione!" He said with a grin

"Oh.." She touched her hair "thanks Payne." She smiled.

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