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Next Monday came faster than Hermione thought it would take. She woke up feeling excited about her first day. She was happy that she'd be meeting new people and having new friends.

She did what she do every morning, showered, brushed her teeth and changed into a skirt, not a long one and not a short one either, it was above her knees with barely few inches. A white shirt and a light blue wool vest on top. She never cared about fashion. It wasn't her thing and she didn't care what people think about her look. Her long hair was dangling on her shoulders.

She went downstairs after cleaning her room with her wand to join her parents for breakfast. Her mum was in the front garden taking care of her flowers and her dad was reading the news paper.

"Morning, dad." she said with a bright smile on her face

"Hey princess, excited aren't you?"

"So much!" she poured herself a glass of orange juice "I think this place will be different, and I'll enjoy myself so much there."

"I believe you will, beautiful." he smiled

Hermione ate her breakfast as fast as she could, she didn't want to be late, not in her first day at least. She grabbed her bag and her keys, gave her mum and dad a kiss before leaving and left her house to the bus stop.
Hermione didn't mind using the bus to go wherever she wanted to go.
She had her earphones in her ears and played music on her white iPod. Leaning her head backwards and watching from the window she was sitting next to.

Hermione stepped out of the bus and walked few steps until she reached her new collage. It was bustling with people, different ages and different looks. Hermione smiled as she walked through the students. Her smiled vanished slowly as she heard some strange voice calling her "Mudblood!" Some guy said. He and his group started laughing.

Draco Malfoy did it. Again. Hermione was sure that he told the whole collage about it. Even the he was sure that the Muggles wouldn't understand. He enjoyed it. Why? She didn't understand.
Hermione turned away from whoever was that guy. She continued walking and wore a beautiful smile again on her bright face.
She promised herself that she wouldn't let him hurt her. Not again. Not ever. She walked inside to take her classes table.

Was her first ever class. Hermione loved History. Even though it had nothing to do with her study. She wanted to be a lawyer. But History was always her favourite subject. Even at Hogwarts. Her favourite book, and as she believed she was the only who ever read it, was Hogwarts: A History.

She had her copy of her table. Took a few steps back. Looked right and left. On either sides of her was a very long corridors. She didn't know where to go.
Maybe she should ask someone. But everyone was looking at her strangely. Maybe because she was new.. Hermione sucked a deep breath and took the right corridor. Reading the words on the wooden doors. She found nothing in that corridor so she went back to the left one.

When she passed the first five doors. She stopped by the sixth one. As she heard lots of noise in there. Hermione expected this would be the class because the class didn't start yet. So she took a step closer to have a better look on what was written on the door. She guessed right. It was the class she was having her first new lesson in. She flung the door open and took a step in. The whole students where gathered in the back of the room. Hermione took a seat in the first desk as she always do. She was curious to know what was going on back there. She heard people laughing and talking together, while she was sitting by her own there. She looked back at them. She only saw their backs given to her then the door swung open.

This time the whole class took their seats. A tall man who looked in his mate fourties walked in, he had short black hair and blue eyes. He looked so friendly. Or that what Hermione thought. And she could tell that this was her new History professor. "Good morning, everyone." He said as he put his books down. "I'm Mr. Anderson." He smiled "I'll be your history professor." He looked around the room "I see new faces here! And.. You're in my class again.." He looked at someone at the back and Hermione - as the rest of the class - turned to look at who he was talking to. Surprisingly, Hermione saw Draco Malfoy and Blaise Zabini.

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