Chapter 1

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"Brooklyn! Get down here!" Oh no, here we go again. It's Sunday afternoon, why can't she just leave me alone?

"I'm coming!" I rush down the stairs hoping I don't trip over my own two feet. Everything I've been doing at home has always been in a hurry or a rush. Never have I ever managed to just take everything in a calm manner.

I enter the room and I immediately notice my mother standing next to a tall man. He's sturdy wearing a long trench coat and a black fedora with some stubble on his chin.

"Umm Lyn, what's wrong?"

"What?" My mother snaps me back into reality. I haven't realised that I'm staring at the tall man. There's something about him that I can't quite put my finger on.

"Alright well, Lyn. This is Mr Howswell. He'll be living here after we move-"

"He'll what?" I don't think I heard her correctly, she better not be saying what I think she's saying.

"He'll be living here," my mother says with a smile on her face. Although I can tell she's feeling a little uncomfortable now.

"Mom..what in the hell are you talking about? What do you mean he'll be living here?!" I don't mean to shout but she can't expect me to take this well.

"Brooklyn, don't you even dare raise your voice at me. This man will be living here and we will be moving." My mom emphasizes her point. I can't believe this, I can't believe what she's saying right now. I won't accept it, nope. Not ever. But wait, what about my dad?

"Mom, what has dad said about this?"

"Your father and I have been discussing this for quite some time now, we wanted to tell you earlier but we never found the right time. With school and everything we thought it would be best to wait until our decision was final."

What kind of bullshit is she feeding me?

"Both of you didn't even think about me! Don't you dare tell me you thought about me!" I run up the stairs and head for my room slamming the door behind me. I don't even bother locking it because I know my mother won't follow me. Why would they move me and not even tell me they have been considering it? This always happens here, they always make decisions without me knowing a single detail.

The knock at the door startles me. Before I can even inform the intruder that he or she can enter, my door is already open.

"Baby," my mother pokes her head through the door. I was wrong, she did follow me. "Lyn, I'm sorry we didn't tell you about the move. I just didn't wish to upset you is all."

"Well you have done a pretty good job there," I retort sarcastically. My mother ignores my sarcastic tone and walks over to my bed. "You could give it a chance," my mother says while brushing a loose strand of hair away from my face. She's always been so neat. "It's a beautiful place and it's far away from all the hustle and bustle of city life." I remain quiet waiting to hear what else she has to say.

After a long pause she asks "Is this about your friends?" I still remain quiet, she knows I do not have any friends.

"Honey, I've never seen any of your friends over. That's why I'm asking you."

I sigh before I answer her, "No mother, it isn't." She looks confused when I tell her. "Then what is it that is making you so upset about this?"

It's change, I hate change. I don't like being thrust into a situation I am not familiar with. At least if I had been given a heads up I would have been okay with it. But as usual, I am not told anything in advance. It takes me a while to realise that my mother is still in the room.

"You can leave now," I say. "Honey I-"

I continue staring at her to let her know I'm serious. She can't weasel her way into thinking I'll let this go easily, she can go.

She sighs and leaves without a word.

A Few Hours Later

My day is spent flicking through some channels but it doesn't work. I'm trying to distract myself from the fact that I'm living amongst liars in this house..okay maybe I'm being a little too harsh. My little brother Simon isn't a liar. Which reminds me, where is Simon? I wonder if he knows about the move.

I leave my room and run across the hall to my brother's room. I hope my mother didn't hear my door open, or else she'll think I'm not that angry. Which I am. Very angry.

I knock on his door, "Simon?" I hear a loud crash and some shuffling sounds before the door opens.

I look down and there he is, in his large spectacles and frizzy ginger hair. He's got a large purple stain on his vest, I won't even ask.

"Can I come in?" He looks confused when I ask but remains quiet and steps aside to let me in. The first thing I notice is a vile filled with some type of gooey, purple liquid spilt all over the floor.

I step around it and sit on his small bed. I dislike spending time in his room because it always smells like a doctor's office in here. I think it's because of his chemistry set that isn't for any children under the age of ten. But considering the fact that he's a genius I guess that doesn't matter.

Simon coughs loudly, trying to get my attention I'm sure. I might as well just get on with why I'm here.

"Did you know about the move?" He asks. So I'm not in the dark alone.

"No I didn't, I was hoping you did." He shakes his head smiling. "Good. I was starting to think you were keeping things from me," he says.

"No way, bro. I would never do such a thing. We're a team remember?" He grins at me, enjoying the idea of us being a team.

"Why are we moving, Lyn? I like it here."
"I don't know, Simon. I also like it here but mom said they've made up their minds," I tell him.

He climbs on to my lap and kisses me on the cheek, "Well let's not be difficult then, okay?" I smile at this short boy I love so much. "Okay."

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