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"I'm only the smallest of your problems."

Actually, yes.

Yes you are.

You've made this into some kind of game, some kind of charade. You don't care for me.

Not any more.

You're the smallest of my problems, because you don't understand. You don't understand what you're saying. You don't understand how much it hurts me to have to say my goodbyes.

And to make me say them over and over and over again?

That's just cruel.

I've had to say no to other people before you.

One of them?

When I'm sad, he stays up until 1 am to talk to me, to make sure that I'm okay.

Did you ever once do that?

I think not.

You never asked me if I was okay with what you said.

Don't pretend that you thought I was okay.

You knew I wasn't.

You couldn't ask, because it hurt you.

You don't think this hurts me too? To have to play this little game, over and over again? You don't think I get upset? You don't think I have feelings too?

But yeah, I do have bigger problems than you. I have other people that need me, other people that need me to help them solve their problems too.

And I'm not gonna focus on yours.

Because, believe me, darling...

I've tried.

AN: not aimed at anyone.

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