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Summer is finally here. It was the last day of school and I got to go to starbucks with George,Marcel,Ian and Chase.Finals were over and it felt like all the stress was gone.

My name’s Brooklyn Alessandra Marshal but most people just call me Brooks. I was born in California but my dad and I moved to DC when I was six years old. Now, my mom died when I was born so I have no communication with her. I’ve been going to this school in DC ever since then and I got to make loads of friends. I don’t really get to talk about my mom a lot but I sometimes get this feeling that she’s talking to me... The only people that know this are Georgianna (Who everyone calls George because she would murder us if we called her Georgianna), Marcel, Ian and Chase.

We were walking down the Navy Memorial near Pennsylvania Avenue when I heard her. My mom speaking to me, repeating my name. She sounded like she was calling me towards her... The problem was I had NO idea where she was. It sounded like she was talking to me- from the water-wait WHAT?

I walked closer to the water.. I could hear her voice getting louder and I knew I was getting closer to her. You must be wondering why I think it was my mom? Well my dad used to play old videos of her and him so I know what she sounds like. I wasn’t paying attention to my friends who were staring at me, trying to figure out what was wrong.”Brook, you alright?” Chase asked. I stepped inside the water and everyone gasped... The water... it was turning darker? I didn’t know what was happening until I realized i was sinking. But the water is just a foot deep! Marcel and Ian knew something was happening and they tried pulling me out while George stood in the water to see if there was a hole in the ground or something. But even if there was there wouldn’t be an explanation as to why the color of the water was turning darker. Chase had a look of fear in his eyes and he quickly grabbed Ian’s Jacket.

And we were off. Only, I didn’t know where.

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