Chappie 38: CTF betting. U guys owe me a few bucks each!

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The day went normal enough for Percy. One of the cohort members got injured while rock climbing and Percy took him to the infirmary and got to skip archery. Now skipping archery Percy did not have anything against it. The next day's activities were canceled because of the capture the flag. The hunters got to defend the forest and the cohort got the stream. At night Percy found himself in the audience of the moon goddess and he was failing epically in finding the target. Percy prayed silently that the goddess would leave him alone but no such luck for Percy. The huntress made Percy work hard. Might be if the target was closer Percy would have hit the target but the goddess insisted on have the target at a far distance and Percy was struggling. After hours of futile attempts the goddess let Percy go for much needed sleep.

Next day Percy woke up when Lisa and Alicia both shook him violently and trusts him into the bathroom. The breakfast was a silent affair. All the Campers had to work in making the battle field more battle suitable. After hours of work the capture the flag game arrived. A high point was selected and the cohort leaders except for the participating leader were seated there. They were accompanied by their second in command. Shane who was seated by Percy's side nudged him "ten bucks on cohort one." Percy smiled and said "you are on." Soon every one present except for Alicia put ten bucks on cohort one. "Percy." Alicia whispered "do you have that much money?" Percy smiled "no, but soon I will."

The cohort one was making its arrangements so were the hunters. Percy whispered to Alicia "look at how they have spread themselves. You can clearly see that there are many openings. They will let the hunters in easily." Alicia shook her head "it is that hunter's leader is a daughter of Neptune. She can manipulate the water so such an arrangement is made." Percy had o hold down a chuckle. "Why are you laughing?" Alicia asked Percy. "You think that Sandra will come for the flag herself." Alicia nodded. Percy just leaned back "very well." Alicia was a bit angry now "you don't think she will come for the flag?" Percy smiled "no she won't, look where she is standing. That is a defensive position not the one for attack. Now just watch you will see." The horn sounded and the match began. Reyna's plan seemed to work alright all the cohort leaders were cheering. Reyna reached the hunters flag and took it. Alicia turned to Percy a smirk playing on her lips "you were saying." Percy grinned and motioned towards the dividing line where a single hunters was slowly undetected crossed the line. The flag was claimed by the hunters they blew their hunting horn sounding their victory. The once at the stream had not noticed that the flag was gone. The cohort one had lost.

Reyna looked like she would explode in anger. All the leaders of the cohorts were shocked.

"Anything you want to say?" Percy said barely hiding a smile. Then he turned toward the rest "I guess some owe me a few bucks here." They all groaned and then handed over ten bucks each.

At the meals that night the hunter were having a small celebration. All the Campers looked sore well except for Percy who was happily entertaining his pet. When they were all heading towards their barrack Percy caught up with his sister "nice game. But still taking the position you took was a gamble. You were lucky that Reyna did not catch it." Sandra nodded "you are right she did not figure it out. Even if she had I had a good back up plan." That very moment a black being landed right in front of them "My Lord, Milady there is an emergency a hippocampus has encounter problem in child birth. Please help her." Percy looked at his sister who nodded and told her friends about the emergency as Percy told Lisa about the emergency gave Amber to her. Both Percy and Sandra got on black beauty and headed for the sea

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