Part 1

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It had been 2 weeks since the alien went inside wards body and hydra knew it to. They were inside planning what there next step was went shield ha decided that it was time to destroy hydra once in for all they were inside and the alien had killed Lincoln in the process daisy/Skye shot him and knocked him out.

He was in the hospital now the doctors said he was in a coma and it was critical.  Daisy was furious and upset about Lincoln's death but when she heard the news she didn't know what to believe. Finally after two days she visited him .

She came in the room seeing him watching tv they looked at eachother

Skye/daisy; do you remember me?

Ward; I'm sorry should I plead don't tell me your my girlfriend

Skye laughs; oh no I'm skye we'll daisy know but you can call me skye if you want

Ward; skye I like it

Skye smiles

Ward; so how do we know eachother?

Skye; we used to work together for shield

Ward; used to

Skye; excuse me for a second.

Skye goes to coulson; sir how am I suppose to tell ward he betrayed us when he doesn't even remember

Coulson; you just have to come out with it

Skye; is he getting arrested

Coulson; not know we wanna see how his memory goes the doctors said he could remember things in months or years or not ever.

Skye; he could never remember us

Coulson; I don't know if that's a good or bad thing on one side he won't remember all the awful things he did on the second he could still be that way. It really just takes time for him to process and I know him killing Lincoln it's hard but we have to remember that ward isn't himself.
Skye: okay sir
She goes back in the room ward I have to tll you something about who you were

Skye;you used to work at shield with us but you were undercover for hydra the bad guys and betrayed your team me and you we were kinda involved and then I found out the truth it changed things I guess apart of me never forgave you for it. The other part finally got it.

Ward; I wish I remembered but that's awful I'm sorry for what I did to you

Skye: you don't remember it's okay

Ward: they said I shot someone

Skye; my boyfriend

Ward: oh no and you don't wanna kill me

Skye: believe me it's the other guy I wanna kill.

They look at eachother;

Skye tells him stories about the team shows him pictures they even have some laughs.

Shield decides not to arrest him but instead they have him under 24 hour watch and a week later he gets released from hospital still not remembering anything. The doctors said that was normal ward goes to shield and skye watches over him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2016 ⏰

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