filler: Chapter 22 - Mending

Start from the beginning

Scrambling off his bed in a mad dash for the door, he already knows who it is and he tries to reign in his excitement.

Swinging the door open with an eager smile, Murdoc pulls the other into his Winnebago by the front of his shirt with a crazed look in his eyes. 2D lets out a surprised laugh, body contorted upon his entrance and he straightens his spine when he's finally released from Murdoc's grasp.

"H-hey, Muds!" he says with a short laugh, grin in place as he carefully fixes the front of his abused shirt. His eyes widen upon taking in Murdoc's appearance and his grin falls short, concern becoming the dominant feature in his expression.

"...Y'cold, or somethin'?"

Murdoc looks down at himself embarrassedly and plays it off with a shrug, feigning indifference.


The singer frowns and he looks like he wants to ask more, but the bassist doesn't give him the chance.

"Whadd'ya need, Stu-Pot?" he asks, sending 2D another grin, trying to steer the conversation in a more desirable direction. He crosses his arms over his chest in a show of friendly nonchalance and tilts his head to the side in open curiosity. 2D looks taken aback by Murdoc's display and a goofy smile alights his face, pleasant flush tinging his cheeks.

"Well, I was jus' wonderin' if y'wanted t'go do somethin' with me." he says, looking almost shy as he speaks. He pauses in mid-thought, choosing his next words carefully. "...Jus' the two of us. Kinda like we used to."

Murdoc ignores the insects buzzing about in innards and bites back the smile threatening to split across his face.

"...Oh?" he asks, cursing himself when the smile does start to show and his cursing increases ten-fold when his heart skips a beat. Reaching into his pocket, he pulls out a cigarette and places it between his lips. Lighting it, he presses on. "S'that so?"

Bashfulness evaporating, a knowing look dawns 2D's features and he smirks. He snatches the cigarette from Murdoc's mouth playfully, pianist fingers gently grazing the chapped surface of the other's lips. The bassist lets out a frustrated cry, trying in vain to seize it back.


"-Yeah, it is." the singer teases, slowly raising the cigarette to his mouth to take a drag off it. Blowing the smoke straight back into Murdoc's face, 2D's coy grin turns cheeky. "So y'wanna? We can try goin' back to the train tracks or somethin'."

Not wanting to give 2D the satisfaction of falling victim to a coughing fit, Murdoc toughs out the excess smoke like a true champion and makes a show of breathing it in through his mouth. 2D laughs, sticking the cigarette back into Murdoc's mouth without warning and taking the other by surprise.

Taking his own drag off the cigarette, the bassist mulls the offer over.

(It's not really up for debate.)

Grinning, Murdoc rests a hand over his heart, bats his eyes and feigns surprise.

"Why, Mr. Tusspot!" he exclaims, his voice pitched up comically high and resulting in 2D letting out a strangled laugh. "Are you requesting my presence on an outing?"

The singer's smile remains glued to his face and he shrugs.

Letting his hand fall away from his chest, the bassist feels a familiar warmth rise to his face and he doesn't try to fight it off. He stumbles back, balance momentarily jeopardized and he ignores the hand darting to assist him.



It's evening and there has yet to be any excitement at the train tracks. Sitting on the same slab of cement they had occupied only a month or so prior, Murdoc and 2D look passed the tracks and towards the woods intently.

Murdoc sighs in exasperation.

"Still don't see anything out there, mate."

The two of them have been sitting in the same spots for over an hour and the bassist's ass is starting to get sore. The singer sends him an annoyed glare, tapping his fingers against his thighs restlessly. When he doesn't respond, Murdoc tries again.

"This is dumb."

"Shut up!" 2D snaps, smacking Murdoc's knee in vehemence. The bassist just snorts and nudges his ribs in retaliation, not at all surprised by the other's reaction.

"Cool it, sunbeam, I was just kidding."

The singer rolls his eyes and rests his chin in his open palm, groaning. "No you weren't. And anyway, s'probably a good thing that there aren't any animals comin' out because they'd probably be rabid or somethin' of the like."

Murdoc nods in agreement.

"Might add to the fun, though."

2D hums softly, a non-committal reply and he shrugs. It's quiet, and the high-pitched chirping of frogs in the distance fills the silence.

The silence is peaceful though, and when no words are exchanged a gentle hand rests itself against Murdoc's thigh. Deft fingers squeeze softly, coaxing a surprised grunt from the bassist and the singer grins in appreciation. Moist lips press against a stubbled jaw, spindly arms wrap around a narrow waist and Murdoc leans into the welcoming embrace with a smile.

He reciprocates the kiss without hesitation, not once questioning the sudden turn of events and when slim fingers knot themselves into his hair he lets out a pleasurable moan. 2D's breath hitches audibly in his throat and the singer presses forward, hands pulling the bassist's hair once before sliding down and traveling to rest at his lower back.

(Even through the bulking layers of his shirts and jacket, he can feel 2D's warmth.)

When 2D pulls away from the kiss Murdoc follows, trailing after him and he struggles to bite back a groan when he's met with empty space. He feels the other rest his chin against his shoulder, he feels the other wrap his arms around his waist and he fidgets in his seat when the heat in his groin becomes too much.

Suddenly, a low growling resounds from the bushes below and in a moment of panic they both forget about their tender embrace and book it to their car.


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