Her expression was shocked. "Who? Did you make a new friend?" She looked happy for me.



"Tomohisa Kazuya."

Her jaw dropped. "That pretty player? Since when did you guys become friends?"

"Well he was in my book club. We briefly talked. Yesterday he just happened to bump into me as I stored away the softballs. He wanted to chat about new books." I lied recklessly, hoping she would buy the bogus story.

"Oh wow. Lucky you. He's hot." She blushes.

"I suppose." I chuckled falsely.

"Well have fun. I'll catch you later cousin." She gets up.

"See you." 

I was heading out the door when I saw Tomo already standing there waiting for me. I dropped my glasses case. He must of came right after my cousin left. I was a bit slow at packing up anyway.

"Hey there." He chuckles.

"Oh hey...I'll be just a second."

"Take your time. Do you need me to help you?" He goes over to my glasses case that had fallen on the floor. He kneels down, grabs it, and hands it to me.

"Thanks." I took it. He smelled awfully nice for a guy. He's so charming. I can see why girls like him.

"No problem. Shall we get going to lunch?"

"Sure." I followed him from behind. I was too scared to walk side by side with him.

"Come." He signals me to walk next to him. I slowly walked up next to him. "We should walk together. We are dating."

"Dating?" I still wondered how long this joke will continue.

"Yeah. Don't be silly." He opens the door to the roof, and we went to an available corner where no one was. It was a bit cold today so most people sat inside.

"Aren't you cold?" I asked.

"Not really. I'm thick skinned. Why? Are you?" He looks down at me.

"Not really."

I felt something warm on my shoulders. Tomo gave me his school uniform's jacket.

"Here you go. I can tell you are a bit chilly."

I took it off, and gave it to him. "It doesn't even fit me. Don't be silly. You rascal." I chuckled.

"Ah yeah, but use it as a blanket." He places it back on my shoulders.

I felt embarrassed. I was a clear 250 pounds at 5'6 height. Tomohisa was probably a 160 pound guy that is 6'1. We were an odd match.

"Thanks again." I decided not to fight back, and accepted the jacket.

"No need to thank me." He sits down. "Sit." He pats the space next to him. I sat down.

"So what happens after ten days?" I asked as I took out my bento box.

"I delete, and block their number. I don't acknowledge them from there on."

"What if you fall in love?"

He looks at me. "Fall in love? Who can fall in love in just ten days?"

"Well you never know." I chuckled.

He blinks like a lost puppy. He was cute, but I knew not to grow attach. I will just be one of the many he dumps.

"I guess I won't. What do you got?" He points to my lunch box.

Ten Days (Yaoi BoyXBoy)Where stories live. Discover now