2D lets out a small laugh, striding towards the bassist with a plan and a purpose. He lifts his hands, cracking his knuckles next to Murdoc's exposed ear and the bassist in question lets out a violent shudder. His face pinches up in distaste and his fists clench in aggravation.

"Stop it." he snarls, elbowing the singer sharply in the stomach. 2D doubles over in pain, coughing, wheezing, making a sound that crosses between sobbing and laughter. "You're a little shit."

2D moans hoarsely, trying to straighten himself out and he rubs his stomach tenderly.


Murdoc rolls his eyes in annoyance, not really wanting to delve into this little... thing any further.

"Whatever, Tusspot. S'fine."

2D scrunches his nose at the name, brows furrowing.

Murdoc, having had enough of the other's company, begins walking towards the door. He doesn't make it very far, though, and before he can even start crossing the room a slender hand takes hold of his wrist. He glances over his shoulder in surprise, and his surprise soon turns to shock as he watches 2D raise their joined hands in the air.

The singer examines the bassist's bony hand for a moment, thumb rubbing against the back of it soothingly before a mischievous grin lights his face. In one fluid moment he's cracking Murdoc's knuckles, not a single one spared or missed.

All feelings of shock and nervous flutters of his stomach are forgotten as the bassist let's out a horrified shriek, snatching his hand away in outrage.

"OH MY GOD." he bellows, and in the midst of his rage he forgets himself and his religion as he tackles 2D to the ground. They roll around on the floor for a good thirty-seconds, limbs locked, and Murdoc would've had 2D pinned if it weren't for the singer's long legs and surprisingly quick reflexes.

"I'm gonna break your neck." Murdoc hisses, trying to squirm free from 2D's grasp. The singer looks nervous, disentangling himself from the bassist the best he can.

"Sorry, I thought it'd be funny."

Murdoc glowers and he averts his gaze, his angry frown threatening to break into a smile.

"Well it wasn't."


The sun is trying it's damnedest to peek out through the smog and clouds, but it just can't seem to get there.

Murdoc doesn't mind this.

What he does mind, however, is the fact that he needs to wear gloves and a hat to protect himself from the cold. They're not mittens, they're notfor girls but they arestupid and he's never going to wear them outside of the house. Or so he tells himself.

Murdoc and 2D stand outside on the balcony, leaning against the railing and they smoke together in relative silence. The bassist looks over the landfill, the smell of death and rot infiltrating his nostrils but he doesn't really take notice of the stench.

"I think you look nice." 2D says offhandedly, interrupting Murdoc's train of thought. His shoulders stiffen at the unexpected compliment and he bites down on his cigarette, choking in surprise.

"S'cuse me?" he splutters, glaring up at the taller man through his embarrassment.

2D doesn't seem to understand why Murdoc is so flustered.

"You keep sayin' you look stupid." he explains, shrugging, looking over the landfill with a frown. "But you don't."

"I look like a fuckin' moron." Murdoc mutters, pulling the hat over his ears to hide his embarrassment. "I usually don't give a shit about what people gotta say butcome on."

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