Chapter 3

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Tears started to fall from my eyes and I slowly turn around facing the group of people. Harlet walked towards me and he placed his hand on my shoulder, giving me a comforting look. "'ll be okay, let me explain to you why you're here. Sit down." Harlet slipped his hand on my arm and sat me down on the chair. I glanced at Shaz, who was smiling at me and took a seat as well. I faced Harlet ready to take in all the information.

Harlet sat down in front of me, opening his legs a bit and stared at me. "Look Ivy, were all part of a secret society group. We've been taken to a secret place where no other human is able to find us. We're working for an unknown human. We don't know how he or she looks like, the only thing we know is that he/she will keep us until the job is done-" I placed my hand next to my face, signaling him to pause for a moment. "Woah woah...keep us? Oh no, I can't do that...I need to go home right now. I don't want to be involved in all this crap." I got up and I headed towards the door.

Before leaving I glanced at Harlet who was giving me a serious look. I immediatly left the place, once I stepped out I saw trees somewhat like a forest. Confused, I just ran up to a street like road but suddenly I felt a shock going up against my spine making me fall hard against the floor. My body felt weak, the only thing I could move was my head. I lifted my head up and looks at a yellow forcefield surrounding the place where Harlet took me.

"W-what...? W-what is t-this...? G-get me out of here!" I struggled to get up, the yeelow forcefield faded away. I heard Harlet calling my name and I turned around and I saw him running towards me. Once Harlet got to me, he placed his hands on my shoulders, causing me to fall back. I couldn't feel my legs, Harlet picked me up bridal style and started walking back to what it seems a warehouse. I layed my head against Harlet's chest, slowly starting to get drowsy.

Shaz looked at me as Harlet and I passed her and she gathered up with the others. Harlet walked upstairs and pushed a door open, he placed me up on a bed and looked right up me. I looked up at him with my drowsy eyes, Harlet placed his hand on my cheek. He leaned in and placed his lips on my ear and whispered softly. "I told you that you won't be able to leave this place until we finish the job...I'm sorry. You should get some rest..." I looked at Harlet, tears starting to flood my eyes and I nodded in agreement. "I-I c-can't s-sleep..." I wiped away my tears from my eyes and Harlet smiled at me. "I'll take care of that...sleep tight Ivy..." The last thing I saw, was Harlet's chocolate brown eyes and everything went black.

After a few hours passed by, I woke up feeling much more better from my legs. I looked around the empty room and nobody was here with me. I slowly gout up from my bed and I walked towards the small window beside my bed. I saw that it was night time, I'm guessing that i've been asleep almost all day. I turned back and I walked towards my door and slowly opening it, making a slight creak sound. I slowly walked downstairs and noticed that nobody is asleep in their room.

I heard a slight cracking noise coming from outside, I walked towardsit and I opened the door. The cold wind hitting against my skin, making me shiver. I followed the slight yellow/red light straigh ahead in a corner. I walked a bit quickly, the cold was hitting much more against my skin, causing me to shiver much more. Once I turned the corner I saw a fire, and some people surrounding around it for warmth. I stepped in closer and recognized their faces, Shaz was sleeping in Jason's arms, Harlet was reading a book beside the fire. Alex was staring at the fire and placed his hands on the fire.

Harlet read for a moment and glanced at me, he closed his book shut and he got up from his chair, walking towards me. He took an oversized blanket from a pile of folded blankets beside Shaz, Harlet looked at me and placed the blanket over my shoulder and wrapped it around me. "You shouldn't be out in the cold like might catch a cold." He smiled and walked me towards a chair next to his right in front of the fire. "Thanks long was I asleep...?" I snuggled myself on the blanket feeling the warmth of the fire. Harlet picked up his book again and glanced at me, "Well almost 3 days...the spell I placed on you, was only for a few hours. It only wears off when you are ready to be awake." Harlet contnued reading his book not making eye contact with anybody around.

I nodded in understandment and I looked straight at the fire, I felt a slight hunger in my stomach. this can't be happening now...I can't do anything to them...I might kill them. I suddenly crouch down as if i'm going to throw up and I feel my hinger growing every second. Harlet immediatly got up and held me, "Ivy..? Are you okay? What's wrong?" I coughed more as if I was chocking and I darted my eyes at Harlet. I felt my eyes turning into a purple color, meaning that I am fully hungry for a soul.

I could feel my body trying to force itself to get up but I managed to stay down. Shaz and the other got up and surrounded me, "What's wrong with her Harlet? Alex? Jason?" Shaz stared down at me with concerned eyes. I looked up at Harlet and I spoke softly, "I'm...h-hungry...f-for a s-soul...*Demon voice* I m-must have a soul..." Harlet's eyes widened and he lifted me up looking at me and he placed his hands on me cheeks. His hands brightened into a gold color, I could feel my hunger fading slowly. I could feel my soul being filled up.

Harlet looked at me panting as if he ran a marathon, my eyes turned normal and I let out a deep breath. Harlet removed his hands from my cheeks and I smiled at him. Harlet smirked and looked into my eyes, "Your normal eye color has returned, are you alright?" I nodded my head slowly and I looked down in shame. "I-i'm s-sorry for actin l-like this..." Shaz walked towards me and gave me a hug, I slowly hugged her back and I smiled. "'re no have a power that nobody else can have. You're not alone...we're just like you."

Those words from Shaz, made me feel a bit better. Harlet nodded in agreement and helped me up. "Don't worry'll be okay as long as you're with us...with me." Harlet smiled. I smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2016 ⏰

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