Chapter 9: Paid With Punishment

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"In moments of pain, we seek revenge."-Ami Ayalon


It was 7:50am in the morning, and I was just arriving to work. Harry had offered to drive me because he was worried that a hangover could make me unstable for driving. I wasn't as bad as I thought, just kind of sleepy. He parked his Ferrari right in front of the building. "See you soon," he said, his tone sexy as he kissed my cheek.

His expression was forlorn as I blew him a kiss back and closed the door. He drove off quickly, in case Louis was to see. I headed inside, clocked in, then headed towards my office. I was stopped halfway there, Louis blocking the rest of the hallway with his hands outstretched.

"Where do you think you're going, Laura?" he questioned me, sounding like an angry police officer interrogating a convict.

"To my desk?" I answered, trying to walk past him.

Instead, he grabbed both of my shoulders and backed me up into the wall. "Where were you the past two days?"

"I told you, my grandparents' house." I could barely look him in the eyes. I knew he was furious. I knew he was on to me.

"So your grandparents blast club music, then?" he hissed into my ear, his chest pressed tight against mine. "I don't think your answer makes sense."

"We were all dancing, and I played a few songs I like," I lied again. I could feel my palms getting sweaty. "I promise that's where I was."

"You're a dirty liar," he said, his lips moving against my ear now. "You were out at a club, right?"

"No, I swear I wasn't, Louis." I was trembling now, what would he do if I told him the truth? "I wasn't, really."

"Yes, yes you were." He grabbed my face so I had to look at him. "Be honest."

"Okay. Fine. I went dancing." Tears were rolling down my cheeks now. "I'm sorry. Please don't hurt me." I looked into his ocean blue eyes. "Please."

"I'm not going to hurt you, Laura," he said, a bit more calm now. "I'm not evil." He pulled me into an embrace. "But don't you lie to me." His hand gripped my ass, squeezing hard.

I moaned into his neck. "Never again, babe. I promise."

"After work, we'll meet, okay?" he whispered into my cheek, then left me standing there. It was back to work again after that.


I held tight onto Trinity's hand as we walked through Adventureland, the multi-colored lights flashing. She was currently munching on pink cotton candy whilst I munched on blue. "What ride do you wanna go on?" I asked her as she squeezed my hand.

"Hmmm," she pondered, looking at her attraction guide. "Hurricane Coaster sounds really fun." She then smirked at me. "'re scared."

"Me? Scared?" I laughed. "I'm pretty sure you'll be the one holding onto me for dear life."

"Is that a challenge?" Trinity gasped, tossing our finished cotton candy sticks in the trash on the side of us.

"Maybe it is, who knows?" I teased her as we got on the line for the ride.

Within minutes, we were buckled into the ride. Her arm was hooked in mine as we slowly journeyed upwards. The drop was fast approaching as we looked down at the lengthy trail below. "You ready?" I chuckled.


The carts zoomed downwards at what seemed to be the speed of light and we screamed to the likeness of a bunch of banshees, her grip on me getting stronger. She was scared, just like she told me I would be. I was actually enjoying the ride. "Don't be scared, I'm here!" I cried over all the shouts echoing around us.

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