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Summer 2017

Ann's hands were shaking with utter urgency as she sat by her bedroom window, her eyes scanning the street below her as she waited and waited and waited for what felt like forever. Jewel was in the kitchen preparing dinner as she waited for her daughter to come bounding down the stairs with joy. Charlie, their Huskey puppy, was sniffing at Jewel's feet, howls escaping his muzzle when she dropped spare parts of cheese or broccoli just for him. Ann would get angry when her mother would feed him non-dog food, but Jewel would only snicker and feed him again.

"Where is he?" Ann muttered under her breath as her fingers tapped impatiently against the window pane. She bit her lip before turning and heading down the stairs, her mother turning to look at her. "He's not here, I just didn't want to be locked up there while I waited."

Jewel turned away before Charlie started wagging his tail uncontrollably as he saw Ann walk in. He bounded towards her before jumping up and down on her legs, his tongue hanging out of the side of his mouth. Ann chuckled before picking up the small puppy and holding him close to her chest.

"When do you think he'll be here?" Jewel questioned before putting celery, carrots, and steak in a pan to sautée.

Ann shrugged just before there was a knocking on the door, Ann's heart racing. Jewel looked back at her daughter as she smiled widely and came and took Charlie from her arms, her fingertips brushing through her daughters wild hair. "Don't be nervous. He's your best friend."

Ann grinned. He was sort of more than just a friend to her now, but she would never admit it to her own mother. "Right," she stated before walking up to the door and resting her hand on the doorknob. She twisted it before swinging open the door, Harry standing in the doorway, a wide smile forming on his lips as he saw Ann.

He looked different, but in a good way. He had grown his hair out longer, and the way his black jeans settled on his hips and his white t-shirt fit his torso perfectly made Ann bite her lip lightly.

"Ann," Harry breathed out before wrapping his arms around her waist and hugging her close to him, his nose nuzzling into her neck.

Ann felt a burst of joy spread throughout her whole body and she hugged him close to her, her lips kissing his cheek lightly. "I missed you," she whispered in his ear before she pulled away, her eyes staring into his.

Harry replied by pressing his lips against hers, his large hands traveling down to the small of her back, and his breath exhaling through his nose. The way their lips moved together made Ann want to leap into his arms once again, but she stayed still and let her lips move in sync with his.

"I missed you more," he replied as he looked down at his girl in front of him. "So, so much more."

Over the span of two hours, Harry and Jewel hugged and she told him how handsome he had looked (and how much older he had looked as well), Harry met Charlie and had fallen in love with him, Harry and Ann had kissed so many times that Ann couldn't even keep track anymore, and the words 'I love you' had slipped through Harry's lips twice.

By the end of the night, Ann and Harry were both laying in her bed, his arm draped around her waist as they both were facing each other. Ann was fast asleep, but Harry was wide awake. His fingers trailed through Ann's hair to all the way down her waist, his cold fingertips making Ann's eyebrows scrunch in her sleep. He couldn't help but stare at her flawless features, and the way her nose scrunched once in a while when she slept made his heart race for her.

"Ann," Harry's voice whispered quietly. When she didn't wake, he shook her body lightly. "Ann," he spoke louder.

Ann's eyes fluttered open slowly, and she grinned tiredly when she saw Harry staring back at her. "Hm?"

Harry's breath shook as he looked down at her and he swallowed nervously. "I love you," he whispered.

Ann grinned and closed her eyes, her fingers reaching up his shirt to lie her cold hand on his bare back. "I love you too. Now go to sleep."

And so, with the thought of his girl on his mind and her hand up his shirt and his hand resting on her back with such gentleness, he did.


Oh my god it's over guys. When I first thought of this idea I never thought I would become this attached to the characters and their story. Ann and Harry make my heart skip and beat and even though they had some trouble on the way there, they are now happy and so am I :')

Thank you to everyone who has stuck with me throughout the whole story. AHHHH IM SO HAPPY AND SAD AT THE SAME TIME IDK WHAT TO DOOOO.

I love you all, okay? Forever. xxx

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