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I can access my account. I found a wild roaming internet café and tamed it, now I can access all of my online accounts. However, I'm afraid that Strexcorp may be wiring this café, as there are wires hanging off it in the direction of Desert City. Anyway, I can post updates, but sadly you'll be forced to read the Strex daily updates until me and the Rebels can kick them out of town. If I change my password, I should be fine, but I can't remember it, and according to Government Law, you can't change your password if you don't know your old one. I can try all my defaults, but since a Wattpad account is worth several billion dollars here, I may have used a different one and judging by my excellent security measures (I position a bucket of water on the top of my door before I go to sleep) that password will not be easy to locate.

Hopeless, signing off.

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