The Confrontation

Start from the beginning

       "No, Niall. You're an angel, you shouldn't want to be going to bars," Harry said, biting on his lip and turning down a street to make sure he didn't walk past the bar. "You really are fallen, huh?" Niall chuckled in response and nodded slightly, Harry almost missed it. Harry laughed and shook his head. "Let's go to the park." He looked at Niall and raised an eyebrow.

       Niall sighed and looked at Harry, pouting. "But I want to go to the bar," he whined, letting his eyes water. "Pwetty pwease?" he asked, sticking out his bottom lip and moving closer to the taller lad.

       Harry tried, he really did, but that face got him every time. "Fine," he grumbled, turning around and walking towards the bar. "But if those demons are there, I'm so going to kill you," he said, poking Niall's cheek.

       "You can't even kill a fly, Haz." Harry rolled his eyes and Niall just laughed, wrapping an arm around Harry's shoulders as best he could while being short. "So you're going to be the designated flyer," he said, smirking and walking a little bit faster when the saw the sign for the bar. "Hurry up, Harry." He let go of Harry's shoulders and ran towards the bar, leaving Harry behind, sighing and running to catch up.

        Niall was already at the bar with a beer half gone. Harry smiled and walked over to him, not noticing a certain someone staring at him from across the room. Harry sat down next to Niall and shook his head. "There is something wrong with you, Ni." He chuckled and rested his elbow on the bar and his chin in his hand. He licked his lips and shook his head when the bartender offered him some drinks.

        "Let's go dance, Haz," Niall said, finishing off his second beer and pulling Harry onto the dance floor. "Just let loose, okay?" Harry bit his lip and allowed Niall to pull him out onto the floor, but he felt awkward and he just mimicked the movements his friend was doing. "Don't think of anyone else, Harry, just me and you. Dancing to some song on the radio," Niall encouraged, smiling and looking up at Harry. Harry nodded his head and imagined himself alone with Niall in the hotel room, their own music on and he started to dance without looking at Niall. "There ya go." Niall patted him on the back and Harry looked down at him and smiled, still oblivious to the demon who's eyes had never left him.


       Louis walked into the club with Zayn, not really in the mood to do anything so he sat at the bar and just drank a few beers while he was there. He looked over at Zayn and chuckled when he saw him grinding with three girls. Zayn motioned for Louis to come join, but he got rejected and Louis turned away from him and his eyes flashed over something he wasn't expecting to see here. He looked around again, but he lost sight of it. He bit his lip and continued to look until he saw the angel he's been looking for at the bar across from the club, and he just stared at him. He noticed someone with him, and he got this feeling in his chest whenever they bumped shoulders or talked. He looked over at Zayn, but he was too busy dancing to notice him. Louis rolled his eyes and turned them back to Harry, seeing him get on the dance floor and start dancing. Louis smiled slightly and got up.

       He walked around so he was behind Harry and he grabbed his hips, starting to grind on him. "Oh, hey angel," he whispered as best he could into Harry's ear. Harry jumped away from him and into Niall. "No need to be scared." Niall stood protectively in front of Harry and Louis rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest and popping his hips out. "I'm not going to bite, blondie," he sneered, already disliking the boy who stood between him and Harry.

       Harry made sure he was behind Niall the entire time as he watched Louis. He remembered the last time they met, another demon was with Louis so he looked around and spotted him dancing with a few girls. Harry shook his head and looked back at Louis. "What do you want?" he heard Niall ask, standing taller so he looked a little bit more intimidating.

       "To talk to him," Louis said, pointing up at Harry. His gaze was still on Niall's, just in case he tried to do anything even though they were in a bar. None of the other people at the bar even noticed the scene that was going on, since it happened pretty often. Harry shook his head and crouched down so he was a little bit more hidden by Niall. "I'm not going to kill you," he said, voice laced with a little bit of impatience.

       Niall and shook his head and started to walk towards the exit of the club, making sure to keep Harry behind him. He managed to get both of them out, but Louis kept his gaze locked with Harry's, neither of them faltering or daring to look away. "We have to get out of here," Niall said, grabbing Harry's hand and leading him back towards the hotel, but Louis had followed them out and he grabbed Harry's other hand, pulling him back towards the bar. "Let him go," Niall growled, trying to get between them, but Louis kept a tight grip on Harry, almost hurting him but making sure that he didn't.

       Harry was trying to pull his hand away from Louis' while Niall stared him down, but it was basically impossible with the demon's grip. While Niall and Louis were glaring at each other, Zayn walked out and saw what was going on. He saw Louis grabbing Harry's hand and another angel trying to stand between them, but he couldn't see his face in this lighting. "Hey!" he yelled, causing everyone to look his way. Harry managed to get his hand free from Louis' while he was distracted and he pulled on Niall's hand, running towards the hotel.

       Louis looked back towards Harry and Niall, but they were already gone, flying back to wherever. "God dammit, Zayn, I almost had him!" he yelled, turning to face his partner. Zayn put his hands up in defense and walked up to Louis. "Now I have to start all over." Louis sighed and looked towards where his angel left.

       "Sorry, Lou," Zayn said, shrugging his shoulders and wrapping an arm around the shorter boys shoulder. "I lost a threesom, so it's even now." He smiled down at Louis, who looked up at him completely unamused and slightly annoyed. "What's so special about him anyways, Louis?" Louis licked his lips and sighed, shrugging his shoulders and looking back towards Zayn.

       "I don't know."


       In the darkness, unseen by anybody, one person watched the exchange between the demons and angels.

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