"You have a fever, you should take it easy."

I shook my head insisting that I didn't need any help but when I stood I just fell back down again. Sweat droplets stuck to my forhead and I quickly felt my health decline. I was brought to his room where I was layed down and he gave a warm smile. In his monotone voice he looked over at me hand still pressed on my head.

"I'll summon Temari and Kankuro to get you comfortable."

With that he left. I'm still waiting for him to return but my body needs the rest and pretty soon I was lulled into sleep. Gaara's beautiful eyes appeared in my head as I felt the hours pass but the sound of glass breaking pushed me out of my sleep. I shot up in my bed just to be pressed down again my forveful hands.


I looked over to see three people dressed in all black. They wore no forhead protecters anywhere so I don't know who or where they came from. The girl was standing in the window and the two men lifted my kicking body off the bed. I felt one sling me over his shoulder giving me the chance to scream.


Just as I saw the door open I was carried out the window.

"Help me!"

I felt the tears well in my eyes like little needles pressing against my eyes. I was carried over the rooftops and to my surpise the streets were empty. Kazakage appeared behind my kidnappers and I smiled. The other two in the squad stood infront of me as they dragged me away.

"Wait! Gaara! Don't leave me!"

He's not going to make it in time. I watched as they battled against his sand and pretty soon he was past them and running towards me. Another group showed up holding Gaara back as I cried for him. By now Kakashi and the rest of my team was with him but the other people wouldn't let them get to me.

"Please! Naruto! Gaara! Help me!"

I was pulled away from them and a thin needle pressed itself inot my side not allowing me to move or speak. I only watch as my friends, family, protectors faded. Whoever these people are really wanted me, but why? What did I do or not to do deserve this? Maybe I know someone or something that I should or shouldn't.

Gaara's pov

I heard the glass break in my room and I rushed over to hear Ahari scream my name. I rushed into the room and saw she was dragged out, but by who was my question. I ran after then and everytime I got close to them someone from there squad also stopped me. I won't let them take her away, no one. Finally her team showed up but it's to late. Her terrified screams get distant and soon I can't see or hear her.


That's the first time I have ever really said her name before. Naruto was also upset but I wonder why us? Out of everyone trying to save her she said mine and Naruto's name. They do have a simulari in appearence except a few different features, are they related? I turn towards Kakashi and I can see he aslo doesn't want to belive she was just dragged away.

"I want a search squad for her at once."

I walked off but a a strong hand on my shoulder caused me to stop.

"Where do you think your going?"

I look over to see Naruto's pale face and angered eyes. He really cares for her doesn't he. But why, she isn't special or anything. Just a less then average shinobi who came to help.

"To get my siblings."

My voice was on auto piolet and so was my body. I don't know where I am going but I do know it is away from here. Here eyes keep epearing in my head, haunting me from the promise I couldn't keep. I don't think she remebers though, despite her polite behavior and maners she can be really ditzy sometimes and not really care of her stature.

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